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Deakin Disposal Schedule

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Concept TypeFunction
Scope NotesThe function of managing the university's artwork, artefact, specimen, and other object collections. Includes selecting, acquiring, maintaining, classifying and promoting items in the collection. Also includes those collections held by departments.
Alternative Labels

Preferred Label01.01 - ACCESS MANAGEMENT
Concept TypeActivity
Scope NotesThe activity of authorising, providing, and monitoring access to University collections.
Alternative Labels

Concept TypeActivity
Scope NotesThe activity of bringing together artwork, artefacts, specimens and other objects to form a collection. Includes the acquiring of items through purchase, donation, or through teaching and research activities.
Alternative Labels

Preferred Label01.03 - EXHIBITIONS
Concept TypeActivity
Scope NotesThe activity of providing a program of exhibitions. Includes travelling exhibitions, competitions and exhibitions assembled from the permanent collection or from borrowed works.
Alternative Labels

Preferred Label01.04 - SUBSCRIPTIONS
Concept TypeActivity
Scope NotesThe activity of managing the University's library subscriptions to collection material.
Alternative Labels

Concept TypeFunction
Scope NotesThe function of managing the commercial activities of the university including establishment and operation of Deakin companies, licences and agreements. Includes commercialisation of Deakin products, services and results of research. For the marketing of Deakin services and products, use ENGAGEMENT AND COMMUNITY RELATIONS - Marketing.
Alternative Labels

Preferred Label02.01 - BUSINESS DEVELOPMENT
Concept TypeActivity
Scope NotesThe activity of investigating and developing commercial opportunities for the university's products.
Alternative Labels

Preferred Label02.02 - CONSULTANCY SERVICES
Concept TypeActivity
Scope NotesThe activity of providing professional consultancy services for internal or external clients, by university staff. For provision of services to the university by external consultants or contractors, use HUMAN RESOURCES - CONSULTANTS & CONTRACTORS. Variants: Professional and Community Service (Academics)
Alternative Labels

Concept TypeActivity
Scope NotesThe activity of establishing companies, associations or trusts owned by the university or established in partnership with other organisations Includes restructuring and company registration. Also includes reviews. For university faculties and departments, use GOVERNANCE ESTABLISHMENT & RESTRUCTURING.
Alternative Labels

Concept TypeFunction
Scope NotesThe function of managing the university's relationship with the community, government, and industry groups. Includes promoting the university to the public through activities such as exhibitions, undertaking marketing and fundraising activities, liaising with prospective students and the media, and facilitating corporate sponsorship. For liaison with government bodies in relation to compliance and other governance issues, use GOVERNANCE For orientation and transition activities use SUPPORT SERVICES - Functions and Events
Alternative Labels

Preferred Label03.01 - ADDRESSES (PRESENTATIONS)
Concept TypeActivity
Scope NotesThe activity of giving addresses (presentations) for community relations purposes. For records relating to the administrative arrangements for addresses, use ENGAGEMENT & COMMUNITY RELATIONS CELEBRATIONS, CEREMONIES AND FUNCTIONS. For the publication of presentations and addresses by the university, use INFORMATION MANAGEMENT Publication. For presentations given for the purposes of teaching and learning, use TEACHING - Course Delivery. For presentations given as part of staff development and training, use HUMAN RESOURCES - Staff Development.
Alternative Labels

Preferred Label03.02 - ADVICE
Concept TypeActivity
Scope NotesThe activity of providing advice about University operations to external organisations and the community.
Alternative Labels

Preferred Label03.03 - ALUMNI SERVICES
Concept TypeActivity
Scope NotesThe activity of maintaining relations with the university's graduates. Use for all alumni business and affairs including membership conditions and benefits; contact details; national and international activities; papers and proceedings of the Deakin Alumni Community, etc. For Alumni awards use ENGAGEMENT & COMMUNITY RELATIONS - RECOGNITION.
Alternative Labels

Concept TypeActivity
Scope NotesThe activities associated with arranging and managing festivities to honour a particular event. Includes launches, closures, award ceremonies, etc. For orientation and transition activities, and the arrangement of graduation ceremonies, use SUPPORT SERVICES - FUNCTIONS & EVENTS.
Alternative Labels

Preferred Label03.05 - COMPLAINTS
Concept TypeActivity
Scope NotesThe act of receiving and responding to complaints made by members of the public or clients of the University.
Alternative Labels

Preferred Label03.06 - CONFERENCES
Concept TypeActivity
Scope NotesThe activities involved in arranging conferences or seminars. Includes management of registrations for participants, publicity and evaluations by participants.
Alternative Labels

Preferred Label03.07 - CUSTOMER SERVICE
Concept TypeActivity
Scope NotesThe activities associated with the planning, monitoring and evaluation of customer services provided to clients by the agency.
Alternative Labels

Preferred Label03.08 - DONATIONS
Concept TypeActivity
Scope NotesThe activities associated with managing money, items, artefacts or property donated or bequeathed to the agency, or by the agency to charities, etc. Includes managing unsolicited donations. For records documenting the financial management of donated items, use FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT ACCOUNTING.
Alternative Labels

Concept TypeActivity
Scope NotesEnquiries and correspondence of appreciation or suggestions from members of the public or clients of the University. Includes enquiries received in relation to the Universitys core functions.
Alternative Labels

Preferred Label03.10 - EXPERT COMMENTARY
Concept TypeActivity
Scope NotesThe activities involved in soliciting and receiving expert advice on issues concerning the University.
Alternative Labels

Preferred Label03.11 - GRANTS
Concept TypeActivity
Scope NotesThe activities associated with the application for and receipt of non-research grants by the University. Relates to the allocation of financial assistance provided by an agency for various grants and funding programs. For research grants received by the University, see RESEARCH - GRANTS
Alternative Labels

Preferred Label03.12 - LIAISON
Concept TypeActivity
Scope NotesThe activities associated with maintaining regular general contact between the agency and professional associations, professionals in related fields, private sector organisations and community groups. Includes sharing informal advice and discussions, membership of professional associations and collaborating on projects.
Alternative Labels

Preferred Label03.13 - MARKETING
Concept TypeActivity
Scope NotesThe process of analysing and selling products and services. Includes market research, sales forecasting, advertising, media releases, promotion, pricing and product evaluation. For policy records see GOVERNANCE - POLICY & PROCEDURES. For records of the drafting of marketing material, use INFORMATION MANAGEMENT - PUBLICATIONS For financial records, use FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT ACCOUNTING. Variants: Advertising, Corporate Identity, Merchandise, Promotion, Public Affairs
Alternative Labels

Preferred Label03.14 - MEDIA RELATIONS
Concept TypeActivity
Scope NotesThe activities associated with establishing a relationship between the media and an agency. Includes cultivating media contacts, coordinating access to the media, authorising and issuing press releases and briefings, and organising media interviews.
Alternative Labels

Preferred Label03.15 - RECOGNITION
Concept TypeActivity
Scope NotesThe activities involved in the recognition of excellence, service or contributions to the university and to society at large. Includes the presentation of honorary degrees and the maintenance of honour rolls, walls/halls of fame or similar. Includes all awards issued to university alumni in recognition of excellence, service or contributions to the University or broader community. For prizes presented to current students see STUDENT ADMINISTRATION - SCHOLARSHIPS & PRIZES. For organising events at which prizes or awards are presented, see ENGAGEMENT & COMMUNITY RELATIONS CELEBRATIONS, CEREMONIES AND FUNCTIONS. For records where the recipient of the prize or honour is determined by a committee or board see GOVERNANCE COMMITTEES & BOARDS.
Alternative Labels

Preferred Label03.16 - SPONSORSHIPS
Concept TypeActivity
Scope NotesThe activities associated with the provision and receipt of sponsorship for programs and events. Includes financial support and the provision of other resources.
Alternative Labels

Preferred Label03.17 - STUDENT RECRUITMENT
Concept TypeActivity
Scope NotesInformation, documents and records associated with recruiting potential students, including international students, and associated marketing programmes.
Alternative Labels

Preferred Label03.18 - VISITS AND TOURS
Concept TypeActivity
Scope NotesThe activities involved in arranging visits by other organisations, the public and students to the University, with a view to inform, educate or promote the services, operation and role of the organisation. Includes arranging visits by staff to other organisations. For financial records associated with visits and tours, use FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT Accounting.
Alternative Labels

Concept TypeFunction
Scope NotesThe function of acquiring, supplying, maintaining, repairing and disposing of equipment and stores stocked and used by the University. Items of equipment include instruments, implements, tools, machines, computers, audio and visual, furniture, furnishings, fixtures and fittings. Stores include chemicals, hardware items, kitchen/cleaning items, medical supplies and stationery.-
Alternative Labels

Concept TypeActivity
Scope NotesThe process of gaining ownership and disposing of equipment or other items required in the conduct of business through purchase or requisition.
Alternative Labels

Preferred Label04.02 - ALLOCATION
Concept TypeActivity
Scope NotesThe process of allocating and dispersing equipment or stores to employees within the University.
Alternative Labels

Preferred Label04.03 - DELIVERY
Concept TypeActivity
Scope NotesThe activities involved in the delivery of equipment and stores.
Alternative Labels

Preferred Label04.04 - FLEET MANAGEMENT
Concept TypeActivity
Scope NotesThe activity of acquiring, providing, use, maintaining and selling vehicles used by the university.
Alternative Labels

Concept TypeActivity
Scope NotesThe activity of storing and using instructions for University equipment
Alternative Labels

Preferred Label04.06 - MAINTENANCE
Concept TypeActivity
Scope NotesThe activities involved in maintaining University equipment/ensuring it remains functional.
Alternative Labels

Preferred Label04.07 - SECURITY
Concept TypeActivity
Scope NotesThe activity of taking measures to protect people, premises, equipment and information from accidental or intentional damage, loss or unauthorised access. For security personnel, use HUMAN RESOURCES. Variants: Surveillance See also: TECHNOLOGY AND APPLICATIONS SECURITY.
Alternative Labels

Preferred Label04.08 - STOCKTAKE
Concept TypeActivity
Scope NotesThe processes involved in preparing and auditing against, lists of University assets or items
Alternative Labels

Preferred Label04.09 - STORAGE
Concept TypeActivity
Scope NotesThe activities involved in storing University equipment.
Alternative Labels

Concept TypeFunction
Scope NotesThe function of managing the university's financial resources. Includes receipt, payment, recording, management and control of financial resources. For the provision of personal financial advice to staff and students, use SUPPORT SERVICES - Counselling and Health Services.
Alternative Labels

Preferred Label05.01 - ACCOUNTING
Concept TypeActivity
Scope NotesThe activity of collecting, recording, classifying, summarising and analysing information on financial transactions, and subsequently on the financial position and operating results of the university. Includes financial statements, and the implementing and maintenance of the university's accounting systems and internal controls. Variants: Accounts Payable, Accounts Receivable, Invoices, Receipts.
Alternative Labels

Preferred Label05.02 - ADVICE
Concept TypeActivity
Scope NotesThe activity of providing of advice about financial management activities.
Alternative Labels

Preferred Label05.03 - ASSETS
Concept TypeActivity
Scope NotesThe activities involved in recording in a subsidiary ledger all fixed assets owned by the University. Includes the date of purchase, depreciation expense, written down value as well as stocktaking and auditing notations.
Alternative Labels

Preferred Label05.04 - AUDIT
Concept TypeActivity
Scope NotesThe activity of officially checking financial and operational processes to ensure that they are undertaken in accordance with agreed or legislated requirements. Includes compliance. Variants: Operational assessments, Quality assurance
Alternative Labels

Preferred Label05.05 - AUTHORISATION
Concept TypeActivity
Scope NotesThe process of delegating power to authorise a financial activity.
Alternative Labels

Preferred Label05.06 - BUDGETING
Concept TypeActivity
Scope NotesThe process of planning the use of expected income and expenditure over a specified period.
Alternative Labels

Preferred Label05.07 - DEBT RECOVERY
Concept TypeActivity
Scope NotesThe activity of recovering debt owed to the University.
Alternative Labels

Preferred Label05.08 - FINANCIAL REPORTING
Concept TypeActivity
Scope NotesThe process of compiling annual financial statements showing income and expenditure for the current financial year and assets and liabilities at the end of the year, with comparative figures for the previous financial year, as required by the Financial Management Act 1994.
Alternative Labels

Preferred Label05.09 - FRAUD
Concept TypeActivity
Scope NotesThe activities associated with the disclosure of fraud. Includes fraudulent activities carried out by those within and outside of the university. For records documenting the misconduct by employees, use HUMAN RESOURCES MISCONDUCT.
Alternative Labels

Preferred Label05.10 - FUNDRAISING
Concept TypeActivity
Scope NotesThe activities carried out by the university to receive money or a benefit through donations. For records relating to the administrative arrangements of fundraising activities, use COMMUNITY RELATIONS AND EXTERNAL ENGAGEMENT.
Alternative Labels

Preferred Label05.11 - INSURANCE
Concept TypeActivity
Scope NotesThe activity of taking out premiums to cover loss or damage to property or injury to staff, students or visitors.
Alternative Labels

Preferred Label05.12 - LOANS MANAGEMENT
Concept TypeActivity
Scope NotesThe activity of acquiring financial loans to the University for the provision of services and the financing of University programs. Includes the administration of borrowing by the University.
Alternative Labels

Preferred Label05.13 - PECUNIARY INTERESTS
Concept TypeActivity
Scope NotesActivities associated with the disclosure of pecuniary interests of employees or members of boards or committees
Alternative Labels

Preferred Label05.14 - SALARIES
Concept TypeActivity
Scope NotesThe process of managing the payment of salaries to personnel.
Alternative Labels

Preferred Label05.15 - TAXATION
Concept TypeActivity
Scope NotesThe activities involved with administering taxation matters. For taxation records specific to an employee, such as group certificates and tax declaration forms, use HUMAN RESOURCES REMUNERATION.
Alternative Labels

Preferred Label06. GOVERNANCE
Concept TypeFunction
Scope NotesThe oversight of the University's registration, licensing and performance to ensure it is compliant with regulatory requirements; and the measuring of the University against other universities. For intellectual property including the registration and management of patents see INFORMATION MANAGEMENT - INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY.
Alternative Labels

Preferred Label06.01 - AUDITS
Concept TypeActivity
Scope NotesActivities associated with monitoring the universitys work performance and projects to ensure they are effective and comply with internal and external requirements and expectations. Includes audits and other compliance monitoring. For Financial Management see FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT AUDIT. For Information Management see INFORMATION MANAGEMENT AUDITING. For Occupational Health and Safety see HEALTH AND SAFETY AUDIT.
Alternative Labels

Preferred Label06.02 - BENCHMARKING
Concept TypeActivity
Scope NotesThe process of measuring and comparing a rival's product according to specified standards in order to improve one's own product.
Alternative Labels

Preferred Label06.03 - COMMITTEES & BOARDS
Concept TypeActivity
Scope NotesThe activity of establishing and managing committees and boards to consider and oversee particular matters and actions. Includes membership and composition, agenda, minutes, papers, items of business and correspondence. Includes advisory committees, boards, working parties, subcommittees, groups, task forces, etc. Includes but is not limited toUniversity Council Academic Board Academic Board Executive Committee Audit and Risk Committee Chancellors Advisory Committee Course Standards Committee Finance and Business Affairs Committee Honorary Degrees Committee Investment Committee Legislation Committee Remuneration Committee Research and Research Training Committee Teaching and Learning Committee University Appeals Committee
Alternative Labels

Concept Type
Scope NotesThe activity of planning, establishing and implementing University faculties, departments and other entities. Includes restructuring and company registration. Also includes reviews. For commercial and collaborative ventures, use COMMERCIAL OPERATIONS - ESTABLISHMENT AND DEVELOPMENT OF COMPANIES, ASSOCIATIONS, AND TRUSTS. For staffing matters, use HUMAN RESOURCES. Variants: Collaborative Ventures, Organisational Structure, Registration
Alternative Labels

Preferred Label06.05 - INQUIRIES (FORMAL)
Concept TypeActivity
Scope NotesThe activity associated with liaising with bodies carrying out formal inquiries and participating in them; e.g. Royal Commissions, Parliamentary and Ombudsman's inquiries. Includes the provision of evidence in the form of records, submissions or staff.
Alternative Labels

Preferred Label06.06 - LICENCING
Concept TypeActivity
Scope NotesActivities associated with ensuring the institution holds the correct licences and permits to run its operations, undertake specific services or hold restricted materials. For records relating to Intellectual Property see INFORMATION MANAGEMENT INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY. For records relating to software licensing see TECHNOLOGY AND APPLICATIONS SOFTWARE LICENSES. For records relating to occupational health & safety see HEALTH & SAFETY.
Alternative Labels

Preferred Label06.07 - PLANNING
Concept TypeActivity
Scope NotesThe process of formulating ways in which objectives can be achieved. Includes determination of services, needs, and solutions to those needs. For strategic or corporate reports, use GOVERNANCE - REPORTING
Alternative Labels

Preferred Label06.08 - POLICY & PROCEDURES
Concept Type
Scope NotesThe activities associated with developing and establishing decisions, directions and precedents which act as a reference for future decision making or as the basis from which the University's operating procedures are determined.
Alternative Labels

Preferred Label06.09 - PROJECT MANAGEMENT
Concept TypeActivity
Scope NotesActivities associated with developing, implementing and managing corporate, capital works, strategic and operational projects. This includes the processes involved in developing tools and methodologies for the management, reporting and closure of projects.
Alternative Labels

Preferred Label06.10 - REGISTRATION
Concept TypeActivity
Scope NotesInformation, documents and records involved in the development, final submission and outcomes of the Universitys application to become, or continue to be, an approved registered education or training provider by State or Australian regulatory authority. This includes (but is not limited to): Australian Skills Quality Authority (ASQA) Victorian Registration and Qualifications Authority (VRQA) Commonwealth Register of Institutions and Courses for Overseas Students (CRICOS).Tertiary Education Standards Quality Agency (TESQA)
Alternative Labels

Preferred Label06.11 - REPORTING
Concept Type
Scope NotesThe processes associated with initiating or providing a formal response to a situation or request (either internal, external, or as a requirement of university policies), and to provide formal statements or findings of the results of examination or investigation. For financial statements and reports, use FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT - FINANCIAL REPORTING. Variants: Quality Assurance, Reporting
Alternative Labels

Preferred Label06.12 - RISK MANAGEMENT
Concept TypeActivity
Scope NotesThe activity of assessing and managing risks to the University.
Alternative Labels

Preferred Label07. HEALTH & SAFETY
Concept TypeFunction
Scope NotesThe function of implementing and coordinating Occupational Health & Safety (OH&S) and associated legislation throughout the university. Includes safety policy and the monitoring of safe work practices, procedures and preventative measures. For committees established to investigate and advise on health and safety issues in the workplace, use GOVERNANCE - COMMITTEES AND BOARDS. For OH&S matters that result in litigation, use LEGAL SERVICES - LITIGATION. Variants: Emergency Procedures, Occupational Health and Safety (OH&S), Risk Management, Safety
Alternative Labels

Preferred Label07.01 - ADVICE
Concept TypeActivity
Scope NotesThe activities associated with the offering of opinions by or to the University as to an action or judgement.
Alternative Labels

Preferred Label07.02 - APPEALS (DECISIONS)
Concept TypeActivity
Scope NotesThe activities involved in the process of appeals against decisions by application to a higher authority.
Alternative Labels

Preferred Label07.03 - AUDIT
Concept TypeActivity
Scope NotesThe activities associated with officially checking quality assurance and operational records to ensure they have been kept and maintained in accordance with agreed or legislated standards regarding OH&S. For other audits see the relevant Function and Activity.
Alternative Labels

Preferred Label07.04 - COMPENSATION
Concept TypeActivity
Scope NotesThe activities of providing compensation to personnel and visitors injured while proceeding to or from work, during work hours or on the agencys premises. Includes the rehabilitation of injured workers. For records of compensation claims for damage to property, use LEGAL SERVICES COMPENSATION.
Alternative Labels

Preferred Label07.05 - COMPLIANCE
Concept TypeActivity
Scope NotesThe activities associated with complying with mandatory or optional accountability, fiscal, regulatory or quality standards or requirements to which the University is subject in relation to OH&S.
Alternative Labels

Preferred Label07.06 - COUNSELLING
Concept TypeActivity
Scope NotesActivities involved with providing counselling services to University staff and students.
Alternative Labels

Concept TypeActivity
Scope NotesProcesses involved with storing and managing hazardous substances.
Alternative Labels

Preferred Label07.08 - HEALTH PROMOTION
Concept TypeActivity
Scope NotesThe process of promotion by the University of programs which encourage the establishment and maintenance of a healthy work environment.
Alternative Labels

Preferred Label07.09 - INCIDENT MANAGEMENT
Concept TypeActivity
Scope NotesThe activities involved in dealing with mishaps or hazards causing death or injury on an agencys premises. Includes injury or death to an employee travelling for the purposes of employment (while on duty or official business), or to visitors or the general public while on the agencys premises. Also includes hazards that may impact upon a number of people. For records relating to damage caused to vehicles as a result of an accident, use EQUIPMENT AND STORES - FLEET MANAGEMENT. For records relating to damage caused to property as a result of an accident, use PROPERTY MANAGEMENT SECURITY.
Alternative Labels

Preferred Label07.10 - INSPECTIONS
Concept TypeActivity
Scope NotesThe process of official examinations of facilities, equipment and items to ensure compliance with agreed standards and objectives.
Alternative Labels

Preferred Label07.11 - PLANNING
Concept TypeActivity
Scope NotesThe process of formulating ways in which objectives can be achieved. Includes determination of services, needs and solutions to those needs.
Alternative Labels

Preferred Label07.12 - REPRESENTATIVES
Concept TypeActivity
Scope NotesThe activities associated with the nomination, appointment or resignation of individuals or groups of personnel appointed by the University or their co-workers as OH&S representatives.
Alternative Labels

Preferred Label07.13 - RISK MANAGEMENT
Concept TypeActivity
Scope NotesThe process involving the identification of risks, the likelihood and consequences of those risks, and the implementation of appropriate practices and procedures to treat the risks. Includes risk assessments.
Alternative Labels

Preferred Label08. HUMAN RESOURCES
Concept TypeFunction
Scope NotesThe function of managing all staff of the university, including continuing, fixed term, casual and sessional employees. Includes developing and managing human resources policies and procedures, and planning and managing the overall employment process. For the provision of safe working conditions for staff, use HEALTH AND SAFETY. Variants: Employees, Personnel, Staff, Training Needs Analysis
Alternative Labels

Preferred Label08.01 - CONSULTANTS & CONTRACTORS
Concept TypeActivity
Scope NotesThe activities involved in arranging, procuring and managing the performance of work or the provision of services by an external consultant or contractor, or by using external agency or bureau services. Includes the administrative arrangements regarding the engagement of consultants and contractors. For records that result from the actual work or services provided by an external contractor or consultant, refer to the function and activity to which they specifically relate. Variants: Casual Staff
Alternative Labels

Preferred Label08.02 - COUNSELLING
Concept TypeActivity
Scope NotesActivities involved with providing counselling services to University staff and students.
Alternative Labels

Preferred Label08.03 - ENTERPRISE AGREEMENTS
Concept TypeActivity
Scope NotesThe process where employees negotiate increased pay or other benefits with their employers in exchange for the implementation of working arrangements that improve the performance of the agency. Includes the activities associated with enterprise bargaining and with establishing and implementing a workplace agreement. For workplace agreements relating to individuals, use HUMAN RESOURCES WORKPLACE AGREEMENTS. Records relating to workplace agreements applying to the University which are of a precedent-setting nature or which affect a majority of University employees.
Alternative Labels

Preferred Label08.04 - EVALUATION
Concept TypeActivity
Scope NotesThe process of determining the suitability of potential or existing programs, systems or services in relation to meeting the needs of the given situation.
Alternative Labels

Preferred Label08.05 - GRIEVANCES
Concept TypeActivity
Scope NotesThe activity of receiving, handling and resolving staff grievances. Includes complaints over perceived discrimination, the academic environment generally, admissions or academic progress.
Alternative Labels

Preferred Label08.06 - INDUSTRIAL RELATIONS
Concept TypeActivity
Scope NotesThe activity of establishing formal relations with university staff and their representatives to achieve a harmonious workplace. Includes negotiations conducted to obtain determinations, agreements or awards; industrial disputes settled within the university or by an external arbiter; and reports of the state of industrial relations within the university.
Alternative Labels

Preferred Label08.07 - INJURY MANAGEMENT
Concept TypeActivity
Scope NotesThe activity of restoring injured persons to the fullest physical, psychological, social, vocational, and economic usefulness of which they are capable; consistent with pre-injury status.
Alternative Labels

Preferred Label08.08 - LEAVE
Concept TypeActivity
Scope NotesThe process of administering leave for which staff are eligible. Includes unauthorised leave taken by staff.
Alternative Labels

Preferred Label08.09 - MISCONDUCT
Concept TypeActivity
Scope NotesThe activities and actions associated with the handling of misconduct. Includes investigations, charges, formal inquiries, punishment and appeals. Includes both proven and unproven instances of misconduct.
Alternative Labels

Concept TypeActivity
Scope NotesThe activity of identifying, appraising and developing corporate and staff work performance so that the University's goals and objectives are achieved. Includes benefiting employees through recognition, performance feedback, catering for work needs and offering career guidance. See also: HUMAN RESOURCES - INDUSTRIAL RELATIONS, HUMAN RESOURCES REMUNERATION. Variants: Academic Promotion, Increments, Probation
Alternative Labels

Concept TypeActivity
Scope NotesThe activity of relating performance-based tasks to specific job codes and positions, and classifying and developing appropriate generic or specific position descriptions. Variants: Job Classification and Design
Alternative Labels

Preferred Label08.12 - RECRUITMENT & APPOINTMENT
Concept TypeActivity
Scope NotesThe activity of recruiting which includes applying for approval to fill vacancies, the advertising of vacant positions, and the handling of applications, selection and appointment. Variants: Appointments (Staff), Awards (Industrial), International Appointments, Volunteers
Alternative Labels

Preferred Label08.13 - REMUNERATION
Concept TypeActivity
Scope NotesThe activity of paying, rewarding, or compensating individuals for their services. Includes salaries, bonuses, allowances, and superannuation. See also: HUMAN RESOURCES PERFORMANCE MANAGEMENT. Variants: Bonuses, Increments, Paid Outside Work, Salaries
Alternative Labels

Preferred Label08.14 - STAFF DEVELOPMENT
Concept TypeActivity
Scope NotesThe activity of encouraging staff to develop their skills and abilities (through activities, programs and events), to maximise their potential and increase their productivity. Includes identifying needs, developing and providing appropriate training and programs (internal and external). Variants: Conferences, Leadership Retreats, Training
Alternative Labels

Preferred Label08.15 - STAFF FILE
Concept TypeActivity
Scope NotesThe activity of managing and maintaining a range of staff related documentation on a file relating to an individual employed by the university
Alternative Labels

Preferred Label08.16 - TRAVEL
Concept TypeActivity
Scope NotesThe activities involved in arranging a journey or trip - includes preparing travel itineraries, authorisations, entitlements etc. For allowances paid to staff for travel purposes, use HUMAN RESOURCES - ALLOWANCES. For financial records, use FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT - ACCOUNTING.
Alternative Labels

Preferred Label08.17 - WORK PLACEMENTS
Concept TypeActivity
Scope NotesThe activity of managing volunteers and students undertaking work experience placements at the University.
Alternative Labels

Concept TypeFunction
Scope NotesThe function of managing the University's information resources including maintenance and provision of access to, and authorised disposal of, library, records and archival material. Includes management of the university's intellectual property and publications. For the provision of computer hardware, use EQUIPMENT AND STORES. For management of university systems and software, use TECHNOLOGY AND APPLICATIONS. See also: COLLECTIONS MANAGEMENT. Variants: Archives, Information Technology, Library Management, Records Management, Technology (Systems)
Alternative Labels

Preferred Label09.01 - ACCESS MANAGEMENT
Concept TypeActivity
Scope NotesThe activity of authorising, providing, and monitoring access to, the university's information resources, including dealing with Freedom of Information requests.
Alternative Labels

Preferred Label09.02 - AUDITING
Concept TypeActivity
Scope NotesThe activity of officially checking financial and operational processes to ensure that they are undertaken in accordance with agreed or legislated requirements. Includes compliance. Variants: Operational assessments, Quality assurance
Alternative Labels

Preferred Label09.03 - CONTROL
Concept TypeActivity
Scope NotesThe activities associated with creating, maintaining and evaluating control mechanisms. Variants: Catalogues, Disposal
Alternative Labels

Preferred Label09.04 - FREEDOM OF INFORMATION
Concept TypeActivity
Scope NotesThe activity of managing and responding to requests for information filed under the Freedom of Information Act 1982 (Vic).
Alternative Labels

Preferred Label09.05 - INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY
Concept TypeActivity
Scope NotesThe activities involved in managing the University's intellectual property (IP), both published and unpublished, and the use of material held by the University in which another party owns the intellectual property. Includes copyright, design, patents and trademarks, royalties and matters of confidentiality such as trade secrets that are not available to the public under FOI legislation.
Alternative Labels

Preferred Label09.06 - PRIVACY
Concept TypeActivity
Scope NotesInformation, documents and records involved in ensuring the University meets its obligations under the Privacy and Data Protection Act. This includes requests made in relation to access to or correction of personal information held by the University.
Alternative Labels

Preferred Label09.07 - PUBLICATIONS
Concept TypeActivity
Scope NotesThe activity of having works, irrespective of format, issued for sale or general distribution. Includes drafting, production and supply of publications by the University. Also includes publications and leaflets, which aim to promote the services and public image of the university. For the acquisition and management of publications, use INFORMATION MANAGEMENT- CONTROL. For the publication of research outcomes to funding bodies and others, use RESEARCH - RESEARCH PROJECT OUTPUT MANAGEMENT. Variants: Distribution, ePress, Printing
Alternative Labels

Preferred Label09.08 - SECURITY
Concept TypeActivity
Scope NotesThe activities associated with measures taken to protect information from accidental or intentional damage or from unauthorised access. For records associated with security for information technology systems, use TECHNOLOGY & TELECOMMUNICATIONS SECURITY.
Alternative Labels

Preferred Label10. LEGAL SERVICES
Concept TypeFunction
Scope NotesThe function of providing legal advice and other legal services to the University.
Alternative Labels

Preferred Label10.01 - ADVICE
Concept TypeActivity
Scope NotesThe activities associated with the offering of opinions to the University as to an action or judgement. Includes the process of advising.
Alternative Labels

Preferred Label10.02 - AGREEMENTS / CONTRACTS
Concept TypeActivity
Scope NotesThe processes associated with the establishment, maintenance, review and negotiation of agreements and contracts. For records relating to tendering, use CONTRACTING OUT Tendering.
Alternative Labels

Preferred Label10.03 - COMPENSATION
Concept TypeActivity
Scope NotesThe activities of providing compensation to personnel and visitors for damage to property where such damage is claimed as the Universitys responsibility. For claims relating to death or personal injury, use HEALTH & SAFETY COMPENSATION.
Alternative Labels

Preferred Label10.04 - LITIGATION
Concept TypeActivity
Scope NotesThe activities involved in managing lawsuits or legal proceedings between the university and other parties in a court or other tribunal. Includes briefs for counsel, copies of documents required by or lodged with a court, consultation with outside counsel, and records documenting compliance with court instructions, e.g. subpoenas and discovery orders.
Alternative Labels

Concept TypeActivity
Scope NotesThe activities associated with establishing and implementing the university's statutes and regulations. Specify by name and date of legislation.
Alternative Labels

Concept TypeActivity
Scope NotesThe activities associated with the handling of disclosures about staff of the University under the Whistleblowers Protection Act 2001.
Alternative Labels

Concept TypeFunction
Scope NotesThe function of managing the physical resources and infrastructure of the university. Includes construction, fit-out, installation, maintenance, repair and other associated building, grounds and equipment services.
Alternative Labels

Preferred Label11.01 - ACQUISITION & DISPOSAL
Concept TypeActivity
Scope NotesThe process of gaining ownership or use of property or other items required in the conduct of business through purchase or requisition. Includes acquiring items for the collection.
Alternative Labels

Preferred Label11.02 - CONSERVATION
Concept TypeActivity
Scope NotesThe activities involved with conserving property owned by the University.
Alternative Labels

Preferred Label11.03 - CONSTRUCTION & RENOVATION
Concept TypeActivity
Scope NotesThe processes involved in building or improving premises, grounds and roads.
Alternative Labels

Preferred Label11.04 - FIT-OUTS
Concept TypeActivity
Scope NotesInformation, documents and records associated with refurbishing a workplace that does not affect the overall structure of the property. Includes painting, floor coverings, furnishings, furniture, partitions and wall fittings and equipment. Activities include the installation of equipment (e.g. heating, plumbing, air-conditioning, security equipment and cabling) in properties. For changes to property that affect structure, see PROPERTY AND INFRASTRUCTURE MANAGEMENT - CONSTRUCTION & RENOVATION.
Alternative Labels

Concept TypeActivity
Scope NotesThe activities involved with managing hazardous substances found in the fabric of buildings.
Alternative Labels

Preferred Label11.06 - INSTALLATION
Concept TypeActivity
Scope NotesThe activity of installing equipment into facilities.
Alternative Labels

Preferred Label11.07 - INSURANCE
Concept TypeActivity
Scope NotesThe process of taking out insurance policies to cover loss or damage to property and to cover the agency against damage to another organisation's property as well as injury to members of the public visiting agency property or using agency facilities.
Alternative Labels

Preferred Label11.08 - LEASE AND HIRE MANAGEMENT
Concept TypeActivity
Scope NotesThe activities involved in leasing/leasing-out accommodation, premises or real estate from/to another organisation. Includes the formal documentation setting out conditions, rights, responsibilities etc. of both parties. Also includes sub-leasing. For student accommodation in university residences see SUPPORT SERVICES ACCOMMODATION.
Alternative Labels

Preferred Label11.09 - MAINTENANCE
Concept TypeActivity
Scope NotesThe activities associated with the upkeep and repair of internal / external conditions of premises.
Alternative Labels

Preferred Label11.10 - PLANNING
Concept TypeActivity
Scope NotesThe process of formulating ways in which objectives can be achieved.
Alternative Labels

Preferred Label11.11 - ROADS AND CARPARKS
Concept TypeActivity
Scope NotesActivities associated with maintenance, and management of University roads and car parks.
Alternative Labels

Preferred Label11.12 - SECURITY
Concept TypeActivity
Scope NotesThe activity of taking measures to protect people, premises, equipment and information from accidental or intentional damage, loss or unauthorised access. For security personnel, use HUMAN RESOURCES. Variants: Surveillance See also: TECHNOLOGY AND APPLICATIONS SECURITY.
Alternative Labels

Preferred Label11.13 - SPACE ALLOCATION
Concept TypeActivity
Scope NotesThe process of relocation of a business unit or workgroup.
Alternative Labels

Preferred Label12. RESEARCH
Concept TypeFunction
Scope NotesThe function of undertaking original academic investigations aimed at the creation of new knowledge. Includes the provision of services to support research projects and activities. For consultancies not related to research, use COMMERCIAL OPERATIONS - CONSULTANCY SERVICES. See also: TEACHING
Alternative Labels

Preferred Label12.01 - GRANTS
Concept TypeActivity
Scope NotesThe activities associated with the application for and receipt of grants by an agency from a government or non-gvoernment source.
Alternative Labels

Preferred Label12.02 - LICENCING
Concept TypeActivity
Scope NotesThe activities involved with ensuring the University has all the necessary licenses to legally undertake its researcj activities.
Alternative Labels

Concept TypeActivity
Scope NotesThe administration of the University's research operations. Includes registration of all research projects undertaken by the University as well as the management of specific research projects. See GOVERNANCE - AUDITING for internal or external audits of research activities.
Alternative Labels

Concept TypeActivity
Scope NotesThe activities associated with the creation and management of data and materials, in any format, created as part of the research process. Includes data created or collected by both staff and students of the university.
Alternative Labels

Concept TypeActivity
Scope NotesManagement of outputs from research undertaken by the University. Research outputs include, but are not limited to publications; conference papers or proceedings; audio-visual material, computer software; design work; and creative works and exhibitions. For outputs submitted by students, including Masters and Doctorate theses, use TEACHING. For records relating to the commercialisation of research, use COMMERCIAL OPERATIONS.
Alternative Labels

Concept TypeActivity
Scope NotesThe activities associated with managing human, animal and plant specimens and live animals held by the University for research and teaching purposes. Includes records associated with acquiring, monitoring, use and disposal of specimens and animals, and tracking of consent obtained to use the sample. See GOVERNANCE - LICENSING for records relating to the licensing of the University as a premises for undertaking scientific procedures or breeding animals. For records of ethics and biosafety committees, use GOVERNANCE - COMMITTEES & BOARDS. For maintenance of facilities and laboratories, use PROPERTY MANAGEMENT.
Alternative Labels

Concept Type
Scope NotesThe function of managing all students, including international students. Includes administering admissions, and academic progress, and handling student grievances. For student counselling services, use SUPPORT SERVICES - Counselling and Health Services. For the provision of student housing, use CAMPUS SUPPORT SERVICES - ACCOMMODATION. See also TEACHING
Alternative Labels

Preferred Label13.01 - ACADEMIC PROGRESS
Concept TypeActivity
Scope NotesThe activity of managing the overall academic performance of the University's students. Includes investigations and action regarding misconduct, compilation of results and copies of academic transcripts. For ongoing assessment processes, use TEACHING Assessment. For student grievances and appeals, use STUDENT ADMINISTRATION GRIEVANCES, COMPLAINTS, AND MISCONDUCT. See also: ASSESSMENT Variants: Academic Misconduct, Academic Performance, Results Maintenance
Alternative Labels

Concept TypeActivity
Scope NotesThe activity of selecting, admitting and managing the initial and continuing enrolment of students for courses at the University. Includes undergraduate and postgraduate. For student grievances and appeals, use STUDENT ADMINISTRATION GRIEVANCES, COMPLAINTS, AND MISCONDUCT. See also STUDENT ADMINISTRATION Scholarships and Prizes. Variants: Enrolments
Alternative Labels

Concept TypeActivity
Scope NotesThe conferring of degrees or qualifications on students. Includes activities undertaken to process applications to graduate, including notifying students of their eligibility, as well as the finalised summaries of graduates. Includes activities to provide academic award verifications, statements of completion, AHEG statements, replacement testamurs and academic transcripts.
Alternative Labels

Concept TypeActivity
Scope NotesThe application, selection and management of students participating in an exchange program where credit is given for the overseas study undertaken; and participation in study tours organised by the university. Includes formal exchange programs between institutions and individually negotiated study abroad programs. Includes students of the University who study elsewhere (outbound) and students from other institutions who come to study at Deakin.
Alternative Labels

Concept TypeActivity
Scope NotesThe activity of receiving, handling and resolving staff or student grievances. Includes complaints over perceived discrimination, the academic environment generally, admissions or academic progress. For matters relating to Academic Complaints and Student Complaints Committee, use GOVERNANCE - COMMITTEES & BOARDS. See also INDUSTRIAL RELATIONS
Alternative Labels

Preferred Label13.06 - SCHOLARSHIPS & PRIZES
Concept TypeActivity
Scope NotesThe activity of establishing, managing and bestowing recognition for academic or service achievements by students. Includes awards, prizes, scholarships and medals conferred as honour or distinction. For the process of conferring graduation awards, use STUDENT ADMINISTRATION COMPLETIONS & GRADUATIONS. For scholarships and prizes for staff, use HUMAN RESOURCES STAQFF DEVELOPMENT.
Alternative Labels

Preferred Label14. SUPPORT SERVICES
Concept TypeFunction
Scope NotesProvision of support services to the University. Includes the provision of accommodation; financial and disability support; orientation and transition support; provision of advice to students about their academic and social rights and responsibilities; management of sport and recreation activities; and the relationship between the University and allied associations such as student unions, clubs and societies.
Alternative Labels

Preferred Label14.01 - ACCOMMODATION
Concept TypeActivity
Scope NotesThe activities involved in assisting staff and students to find residential accommodation. Includes provision of accommodation services and management of students within student accommodation. For the construction, fit-out and maintenance of office and teaching facilities, use PROPERTY MANAGEMENT Variants: Halls of Residence, Housing, Residential Accommodation, Student Accommodation, Student Housing, Space Allocation
Alternative Labels

Preferred Label14.02 - CHILDCARE
Concept TypeActivity
Scope NotesThe activity of providing child care services. Includes matters relating to the enrolment, care and management of clients, and childcare facilities such as kindergartens, crches, and vacation care. Variants: Crche, Kindergarten
Alternative Labels

Preferred Label14.03 - FUNCTIONS & EVENTS
Concept TypeActivity
Scope NotesThe activity of arranging events for promoting the activities, services and projects of the university. For conferences and seminars, use ENGAGEMENT & COMMUNITY RELATIONS - CONFERENCES. Variants: Catering, Celebrations, Ceremonies, Open Day, Performances
Alternative Labels

Preferred Label14.04 - HEALTH SERVICES
Concept TypeActivity
Scope Notes
Alternative Labels

Preferred Label14.05 - SPORT & RECREATION
Concept TypeActivity
Scope NotesThe processes associated with the provision of a wide range of sports across all campuses. Includes sporting clubs, social sport, interuniversity sport and sports coaching. For study tours, use STUDENT ADMINISTRATION - Exchange Programs and Study Tours Variants: Excursions
Alternative Labels

Concept TypeActivity
Scope NotesThe activity of providing sporting, cultural and other social groups for students and staff. Variants: Social Clubs, Sports Clubs, Staff Associations
Alternative Labels

Concept TypeActivity
Scope NotesThe activities associated with the provision of support to current students to ensure they can complete their studies. Includes academic support, financial support and disability/special needs support. For records of financial assistance provided by government assistance schemes such as HECS and FEE-HELP use STUDENT ADMINISTRATION. For financial records documenting the support provided use FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT. Variants: Short Courses, Workshops
Alternative Labels

Preferred Label14.08 - STUDENT ADVICE
Concept TypeActivity
Scope NotesThe activity of giving guidance and advice to students and staff in relation to career, personal, financial and health matters. Includes provision of counselling programs or activities and arrangement of student loans. For staff grievances and other work-related issues, use HUMAN RESOURCES. Variants: Chaplaincy, Financial Advice, Personal Advice, Student Loans
Alternative Labels

Preferred Label15. TEACHING
Concept TypeFunction
Scope NotesThe function of imparting knowledge, giving instruction and facilitating learning. Includes research and development of educational methods, teaching materials and study notes. See also STUDENT ADMINISTRATION, RESEARCH. Variants:Learning
Alternative Labels

Preferred Label15.01 - ASSESSMENT
Concept TypeActivity
Scope NotesThe activity of developing, conducting, and coordinating assessment of the university's students. Includes examinations, reports and midterm reviews of research students, and records of results. See also STUDENT ADMINISTRATION ACADEMIC PROGRESS.
Alternative Labels

Preferred Label15.02 - COURSE DELIVERY
Concept TypeActivity
Scope NotesThe activity of delivering a program of study through lectures, tutorials, and the provision of course materials. See also TEACHING COURSE DEVELOPMENT & REVIEW. Variants: Course Materials, Online Learning, Open Learning, Teaching Units
Alternative Labels

Preferred Label15.03 - COURSE DEVELOPMENT & REVIEW
Concept TypeActivity
Scope NotesThe activity of designing and developing new courses to respond to changing requirements, performance issues or wider trends. Includes identifying needs for new courses; developing new courses; reviewing and redesigning existing courses. See also TEACHING COURSE DELIVERY, GOVERNANCE - REGISTRATION. Variants: Curriculum Development
Alternative Labels

Concept TypeFunction
Scope NotesThe function of developing or acquiring, testing and implementing applications, systems and databases to support the business needs of the university, and to capture, store, retrieve, transfer, communicate and disseminate information through automated systems. Includes the evaluation of software and hardware and the acquisition, leasing, licensing and disposal of systems. Also includes ommunication network systems such as video conferencing, voice mail and email and technical aspects of the Internet, Intranets and websites.
Alternative Labels

Preferred Label16.01 - BUSINESS ANALYSIS
Concept TypeActivity
Scope NotesThe activities involved in analysing business processes against a set of criteria to determine whether to pursue them.
Alternative Labels

Preferred Label16.02 - CONTROL
Concept TypeActivity
Scope NotesThe activities associated with creating, maintaining and evaluating control mechanisms for the University's technologies and systems.
Alternative Labels

Preferred Label16.03 - CUSTOMER SERVICE
Concept TypeActivity
Scope NotesThe activity of managing the provision of advice about the University's information and technology activities.
Alternative Labels

Preferred Label16.04 - MAINTENANCE
Concept TypeActivity
Scope NotesThe activity of maintaining the University's technology and systems.
Alternative Labels

Preferred Label16.05 - SECURITY
Concept TypeActivity
Scope NotesThe activity of ensuring that the University's technologies and systems are secure, accessible, and authentic.
Alternative Labels

Preferred Label16.06 - SOFTWARE LICENCES
Concept TypeActivity
Scope NotesRecords documenting the monitoring and renegotiations of license agreements. Includes responses to any licensing infringements. For records of the original negotiation of licenses see 18.14.1.
Alternative Labels

Concept TypeActivity
Scope NotesThe activity associated with building, prototyping, testing and maintaining databases. Includes the development and management of rules (eg. access hierarchy) and monitoring usage.
Alternative Labels

Disposal Class ID
Disposal Class TitleDisputed access to collections/information
DescriptionRecords documenting disputed access to information in the University's business and information systems that does not involve the application of legislation such as Freedom of Information (FOI), privacy, or records legislation or legislation specific to the University.
AuthorityUniversity business requirement
Examples of Records
Retain PermanentlyYes
Disposal ActionTransfer to local archive
Disposal Triggerlast action completed

Disposal Class ID
Disposal Class TitleUndisputed access to collections/information
DescriptionRecords documenting access to information in University business and information systems that does not involve the application of legislation specific to the University.
AuthorityUniversity business requirement
Examples of Records
Retain PermanentlyNo
Disposal ActionDestroy
Disposal TriggerLast action completed

Disposal Class ID
Disposal Class TitleLibrary loans management
DescriptionRecords relating to the administration of penalties and general borrower information.
AuthorityPROS 09/05 11.6.1
Examples of Records
Retain PermanentlyNo
Disposal ActionDestroy
Disposal TriggerLast action completed

Disposal Class ID
Disposal Class TitleSignificant collection development and management records
DescriptionRecords of continuing value that document: Master control records for the collection, including databases and management systems for audio-visual material, registers, indexes, and lists, and associated data dictionaries supporting these systems and databases. Documentation establishing rights to the management of items in the collection, including the right to copy, distribute and provide access, as well as important contextual information about the provenance of individual collection items. Includes evidence of item acquisition such as donation agreements, undertakings and bequests. Histories of the items in the collection, including contextual information around item creation, acquisition details including any legal advice, preparation, conservation/preservation and general condition reports, valuation, loans and returns, and de-accessioning. Includes details of item loss due to theft, damage or destruction. Submissions for funding to acquire items for the collection. Advice on contemporary, retrospective and Indigenous acquisitions issues. Repatriation of collection items where the agency was the custodian only. Includes arrangements for the return of the item/s to the legitimate owners. Major projects to improve the content or management of the collection, such as relocation of the collection to new sites; establishment of new services such as in-house conservation services; acquisition of items by significant artists, or that are the subject of public interest or controversy, or that are categorised as highrisk (originate from conflict zones, are subject to strong illicit trade, comprise human remains, have similarities with items listed as being stolen etc.).
AuthorityPROS 17/03 2.1
Examples of Records
Retain PermanentlyYes
Disposal ActionTransfer to local archive
Disposal TriggerLast action completed

Disposal Class ID
Disposal Class TitleOperational collection development and management records
DescriptionRecords documenting: Implementing preventative conservationstrategies and techniques. Includes creatingpreservation copies of collection items, conditionassessment reports and log books. Remedial conservation treatment to damaged ordeteriorated collection items. Includes requests,condition assessment reports and log books Preparation works to house an item in thecollection and/or place it on display (e.g.taxidermy and cleaning). Handling protocols for items identified ascontaining or comprised of hazardous substancese.g. specimens preserved in formaldehyde ortreated with arsenic, items which may containspores of fungi and other contaminants etc. Stocktake of collection items, including location,schedules, results, forms and consolidatedstocktaking reports. Proposed collection acquisitions that do notproceed. Source details for potential acquisitions, includingoffers made by the public. Agency submissions seeking support for projectsrelating to the development of the collection. Documentation of the donation or bequestprocess. Includes correspondence withprospective donors and estates, negotiation ofconditions of use or sale, supply of suggestedwording for bequests, acknowledgement of itemreceipt, records of donations and bequests thatdo not proceed.
AuthorityPROS 17/03 2.2
Examples of Records
Retain PermanentlyNo
Disposal ActionDestroy
Disposal TriggerLast action completed

Disposal Class ID
Disposal Class TitleCollection monitoring and maintenance
DescriptionRecords of the day to day monitoring and management of collection items. Includes: Instructions for mounting/demounting specific items within the collection. Environmental control readings and adjustments. Calibration of collection equipment. Arrangements for transportation, including quarantine services and permits. Surveys of collection items to ascertain the need for maintenance.
AuthorityPROS 17/03 2.3
Examples of Records
Retain PermanentlyNo
Disposal ActionDestroy
Disposal TriggerLast action completed

Disposal Class ID
Disposal Class TitleSignificant exhibition records
DescriptionRecords of continuing value that document final versions relating to the design, development and layout of exhibitions in the galleries and exhibition spaces; development of exhibition concept briefs; final approved exhibition planning, development and installation; and final approved marketing strategy, including official promotional material and artwork designs.
AuthorityPROS 17/03 3.1
Examples of Records
Retain PermanentlyYes
Disposal ActionTransfer to local archive
Disposal TriggerLast action completed

Disposal Class ID
Disposal Class TitleOperational exhibition management records
DescriptionRecords documenting preliminary versions relating to design, development and layout of exhibitions; negotiations and agreements to host travelling exhibitions developed by external institutions; working drawings and notes for construction of exhibitory frameworks and displays; development of educational content for tours, seminars etc.; planning, development, and management of mobile outreach programs
AuthorityPROS 17/03 3.2
Examples of Records
Retain PermanentlyNo
Disposal ActionDestroy
Disposal TriggerLast action completed

Disposal Class ID
Disposal Class TitleJournals and information bases
DescriptionRecords documenting the subscription to academic and other journals, magazines and newspapers and information bases.
AuthorityPROS 07/01 9.1.1
Examples of Records
Retain PermanentlyNo
Disposal ActionDestroy
Disposal TriggerLast action completed

Disposal Class ID
Disposal Class TitleCommercial development planning (successful)
DescriptionHigh-level activities relating to feasibility studies or consolidated plans towards the development of commercial enterprises. Includes records that define criteria and processes for commercialisation.
AuthorityPROS 16/07 7.1.1
Examples of Records
Retain PermanentlyYes
Disposal ActionTransfer to local archive
Disposal TriggerLast action completed

Disposal Class ID
Disposal Class TitleCommercial development planning (unsuccessful)
DescriptionIdentification and investigation of commercial opportunities where the commercial activity did not proceed.
AuthorityPROS 16/07 7.1.2
Examples of Records
Retain PermanentlyNo
Disposal ActionDestroy
Disposal TriggerLast action completed

Disposal Class ID
Disposal Class TitleConsultancies - significant projects
DescriptionSummary reports and outcomes from significant consultancies involving controversial or major projects undertaken for financial gain. Includes records of consultancies involving controversial or major projects, e.g. where the university assists government or industry with major infrastructure, new technology or products, or economic improvement. Includes records facilitating the consultancy process, such as monitoring, working papers, analysis, surveys, market intelligence reports and background advice. Absent other metrics, contracts over $150K (as per the Financial Management Act) can be considered significant.
AuthorityPROS 16/07 7.2.1
Examples of Records
Retain PermanentlyYes
Disposal ActionTransfer to local archive
Disposal TriggerLast action completed

Disposal Class ID
Disposal Class TitleConsultancies - routine projects
DescriptionDelivery of routine or minor projects involving provision of professional advice or services for commercial gain. Includes records facilitating the consultancy process, such as monitoring, working papers, analysis, surveys, market intelligence reports and background advice. Includes records facilitating the consultancy process, such as monitoring, working papers, analysis, surveys, market intelligence reports and background advice. Absent other metrics, contracts under $150K (as per the Financial Management Act) can be considered significant.
AuthorityPROS 16/07 7.2.2
Examples of Records
Retain PermanentlyNo
Disposal ActionDestroy
Disposal TriggerLast action completed

Disposal Class ID
Disposal Class TitleSuccessful establishment of University owned companies, associations, and trusts
DescriptionEstablishment of companies, associations or trusts owned by the university or established in partnership with other organisations. Includes certificates of company registration, memoranda and articles of association and records regarding appointment of Directors. Includes records relating to the ongoing management and modification of trusts over time. Includes records of unsuccessful ventures.
AuthorityPROS 16/07 7.3.1
Examples of Records
Retain PermanentlyYes
Disposal ActionTransfer to local archive
Disposal TriggerLast action completed

Disposal Class ID
Disposal Class TitlePlanning and development of University owned companies, assocations, and trusts (unsuccessful)
DescriptionPlanning and development of companies, associations and trusts or partnerships abandoned, or that did not proceed.
AuthorityPROS 16/07 7.3.2
Examples of Records
Retain PermanentlyNo
Disposal ActionDestroy
Disposal Triggerlast action completed

Disposal Class ID
Disposal Class TitleAddresses (major public occasions)
DescriptionFinal versions of addresses made at major public occasions, which are a significant event for the university. May include addresses on policy, strategic direction or new services, products or partnerships of the University. Includes addresses made by senior university officers. Includes addresses that were never presented. Working papers documenting the development of the address can be destroyed.
AuthorityPROS 07/01 2.1.1 & PROS 07/01 2.1.3
Examples of Records
Retain PermanentlyYes
Disposal ActionTransfer to local archive
Disposal TriggerLast action completed

Disposal Class ID
Disposal Class TitleAddresses (routine promotions)
DescriptionFinal versions of addresses delivered or intended to be delivered on the routine promotion of the university's services or products. Working papers documenting the development of the address can be destroyed.
AuthorityPROS 07/01 2.1.2 & PROS 07/01 2.1.3
Examples of Records
Retain PermanentlyNo
Disposal ActionDestroy
Disposal TriggerLast action completed

Disposal Class ID
Disposal Class TitleWorking papers
DescriptionWorking papers documenting the development of all addresses.
AuthorityPROS 07/01 2.1.3
Examples of Records
Retain PermanentlyNo
Disposal ActionDestroy
Disposal TriggerLast action completed

Disposal Class ID
Disposal Class TitleGeneral advice
DescriptionRecords documenting the receipt and response to individual enquiries and public reaction which require routine responses on agency actions, policy or procedures. Includes standard responses.
AuthorityPROS 07/01 - 2.7.4
Examples of Records
Retain PermanentlyNo
Disposal ActionDestroy
Disposal TriggerLast action completed

Disposal Class ID
Disposal Class TitleRegister of alumni
DescriptionSummary record of all registered alumni of the university. Includes the registration of individuals and alumni chapters or groups.
AuthorityPROS 16/07 6.1.1
Examples of Records
Retain PermanentlyNo
Disposal ActionDestroy
Disposal TriggerLast action completed

Disposal Class ID
Disposal Class TitleMaintenance of alumni records
DescriptionRecords documenting the maintenance of alumni registers and databases. Includes updating contact and other details, applications to join an alumni association, and any eligibility checks undertaken.
AuthorityPROS 16/07 6.1.2
Examples of Records
Retain PermanentlyNo
Disposal ActionDestroy
Disposal TriggerLast action completed

Disposal Class ID
Disposal Class TitleAdministrative arrangements
DescriptionRecords relating to the administrative arrangements for events including invitations, acceptances, guest lists, catering, venue. For associated financial records, use FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT ACCOUNTING. For records relating to obtaining a liquor licence see GOVERNANCE - LICENSING.
AuthorityPROS 07/01 2.2.1
Examples of Records
Retain PermanentlyNo
Disposal ActionDestroy
Disposal TriggerLast action completed

Disposal Class ID
Disposal Class TitleReceipt and response to complaints resulting in changes to policy/procedures
DescriptionRecords documenting the receipt and response to complaints which result in changes to university policy or procedures.
AuthorityPROS 07/01 2.3.2
Examples of Records
Retain PermanentlyYes
Disposal ActionTransfer to local archive
Disposal TriggerLast action completed

Disposal Class ID
Disposal Class TitleReceipt and response to complaints
DescriptionCan't appraise because of privacy concerns - needs to be 99 years.
Examples of Records
Retain PermanentlyNo
Disposal Action
Disposal TriggerLast action completed

Disposal Class ID
Disposal Class TitlePapers and speeches
DescriptionMaster copies of transcripts and speeches, proceedings and reports presented at conferences.
AuthorityPROS 07/01 2.4.1
Examples of Records
Retain PermanentlyYes
Disposal ActionTransfer to local archive
Disposal TriggerLast action completed

Disposal Class ID
Disposal Class TitleConference planning and facilitation
DescriptionRecords documenting arrangements to hold conferences including program development, arranging speakers, promotion, registration management and venue bookings. Includes draft programs, publicity, invitations, venue accommodation and catering arrangements. For associated financial records, use FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT ACCOUNTING.
AuthorityPROS 07/01 2.4.3
Examples of Records
Retain PermanentlyNo
Disposal ActionDestroy
Disposal TriggerLast action completed

Disposal Class ID
Disposal Class TitleCustomer services management
DescriptionRecords documenting the management of specific customer services provided to the University staff and students, e.g. managing an enquiry desk, a telephone information service or interpreter service. Includes planning, monitoring and evaluation of services, e.g. carrying out customer surveys.
AuthorityPROS 07/01 2.5.1 & PROS 07/01 9.5.1
Examples of Records
Retain PermanentlyNo
Disposal ActionDestroy
Disposal TriggerLast action completed

Disposal Class ID
Disposal Class TitleCustomer service strategy
DescriptionInformation, documents and records associated with planning, monitoring and evaluation of services and their delivery to customers and the community provided by the University.
AuthorityPROS 07/01 18.1.1
Examples of Records
Retain PermanentlyNo
Disposal ActionDestroy
Disposal TriggerDate closed

Disposal Class ID
Disposal Class TitleMajor donations
DescriptionRecords documenting the receipt and management of items, artefacts or real property that have a value that impacts on the university or the broader community. Includes approaches for donations or bequests and acknowledgments.
AuthorityPROS 07/01 2.6.1
Examples of Records
Retain PermanentlyYes
Disposal ActionTransfer to local archive
Disposal TriggerLast action completed

Disposal Class ID
Disposal Class TitleRoutine donations
DescriptionInformation, documents and records associated with managing money, items or property donated or bequeathed to the University or by the University to charities. Includes both incoming and outgoing donations, as well as records documenting the refusal and return of donations not accepted by the university.
AuthorityPROS 07/01 2.6.2
Examples of Records
Retain PermanentlyNo
Disposal ActionDestroy
Disposal TriggerLast action completed

Disposal Class ID
Disposal Class TitleReceipt and response to enquiries resulting in changes to policy/procedures
DescriptionRecords documenting the receipt and response to individual enquiries and public reaction which result in changes to University or government policy or procedures.
AuthorityPROS 07/01 2.7.2
Examples of Records
Retain PermanentlyYes
Disposal ActionTransfer to local archive
Disposal TriggerLast action completed

Disposal Class ID
Disposal Class TitleRoutine receipt and response to enquiries
DescriptionRecords documenting the receipt and response to individual enquiries and public reaction which require either a detailed response or generic response on University actions, policy or procedures but do not result in changes to University or government policy or procedures. Records documenting the receipt and response to individual enquiries and public reaction which require routine responses on agency actions, policy or procedures. Includes standard responses.
AuthorityPROS 07/01 2.7.3
Examples of Records
Retain PermanentlyNo
Disposal ActionDestroy
Disposal TriggerLast action completed

Disposal Class ID
Disposal Class TitleExpert commentary
DescriptionRecords relating to subject matter experts at the university providing unpaid expert commentary to a specific group or the public at large (e.g. the media). Includes expert-matching registers to assist external parties in finding the correct expert to contact.
AuthorityPROS 16/07 6.2.1
Examples of Records
Retain PermanentlyNo
Disposal ActionDestroy
Disposal TriggerLast action completed

Disposal Class ID
Disposal Class TitleSummary record of grants
DescriptionSummary record of grant applications that identifies the nature of the application and reasons for acceptance or rejection. Includes both grants bestowed and applied for by the university.
AuthorityPROS 07/01 2.10.1
Examples of Records
Retain PermanentlyYes
Disposal ActionTransfer to local archive
Disposal TriggerLast action completed

Disposal Class ID
Disposal Class TitleExternal grant identification, selection, and applications
DescriptionRecords documenting successful applications made by the agency for grant funding received from a government or non-government source.
AuthorityPROS 07/01 2.11.1 & PROS 07/01 2.11.2 & PROS 07/01 2.11.3
Examples of Records
Retain PermanentlyNo
Disposal ActionDestroy
Disposal TriggerLast action completed

Disposal Class ID
Disposal Class TitleLiaison activities
DescriptionRecords documenting liaison activities undertaken with government bodies, international stakeholders, professional associations, private sector organisations and community groups. Does not include liaison carried out for regulatory purposes.
AuthorityPROS 07/01 2.13.1
Examples of Records
Retain PermanentlyNo
Disposal ActionDestroy
Disposal TriggerLast action completed

Disposal Class ID
Disposal Class TitleMarketing campagin planning and final products (routine campaigns)
DescriptionRecords documenting the planning and final products of minor marketing campaigns relating to university activities. Includes records covering arrangements for advertising campaigns, public launches and promotional images.
AuthorityPROS 07/01 2.14.2
Examples of Records
Retain PermanentlyNo
Disposal ActionDestroy
Disposal TriggerLast action completed

Disposal Class ID
Disposal Class TitleMarketing campain planning and final products (significant campaigns)
DescriptionRecords documenting the planning and final products of major marketing campaigns relating to university activities. Includes activities such as rebranding after mergers or restructuring or major awareness campaigns. For records associated with other facets of University restructure, use GOVERNANCE - ESTABLISHMENT & RESTRUCTURING
AuthorityPROS 07/01 2.14.1
Examples of Records
Retain PermanentlyYes
Disposal ActionTransfer to local archive
Disposal TriggerLast action completed

Disposal Class ID
Disposal Class TitleUniversity media releases
DescriptionMaster set of university media releases.
AuthorityPROS 07/01 2.15.1
Examples of Records
Retain PermanentlyYes
Disposal ActionTransfer to local archive
Disposal TriggerLast action completed

Disposal Class ID
Disposal Class TitleAdministrative arrangements
DescriptionRecords relating to administrative arrangements with the media. Includes the issuing of media releases, organising interviews, and providing information and assistance to support media coverage of an event or promotion of the Universitys services or products.
AuthorityPROS 07/01 2.15.2
Examples of Records
Retain PermanentlyNo
Disposal ActionDestroy
Disposal TriggerLast action completed

Disposal Class ID
Disposal Class TitleHonorary awards (summary record)
DescriptionSummary of all honorary degrees issued by the University and individuals inducted into the Universitys Halls of Fame, Walls of Fame, honour rolls or similar. Includes recipient, award given and citation or reasons for the degree awarded or inclusion in the Hall of Fame. Includes specific Halls of Fame such as a Sports Hall of Fame.
AuthorityPROS 16/07 6.3.1
Examples of Records
Retain PermanentlyYes
Disposal ActionTransfer to local archive
Disposal TriggerLast action completed

Disposal Class ID
Disposal Class TitleHonorary awards (selection)
DescriptionRecords documenting the nomination and deliberation process to determine recipients of all forms of recognition, which are not done through a university committee or board. Includes calls for nominations and deliberations to determine the recipient.
AuthorityPROS 16/07 6.3.2
Examples of Records
Retain PermanentlyNo
Disposal ActionDestroy
Disposal TriggerLast action completed

Disposal Class ID
Disposal Class TitleSponsorship management
DescriptionRecords relating to sponsorships received and provided by the University from/to another organisation. Includes sponsorship for sporting or cultural events.
AuthorityPROS 07/01 2.17.1 & PROS 07/01 2.17.2
Examples of Records
Retain PermanentlyNo
Disposal ActionDestroy
Disposal TriggerLast action completed

Disposal Class ID
Disposal Class TitleStudent recruitment records
DescriptionInformation, documents and records associated with recruiting potential students, including international students, and associated marketing programmes.
AuthorityPROS 07/01 2.14.2
Examples of Records
Retain PermanentlyNo
Disposal ActionDestroy
Disposal TriggerDate closed

Disposal Class ID
Disposal Class TitleAdministrative arrangements
DescriptionRecords documenting arrangements for visits or tours to the University. Also includes records documenting visits by agency representatives to community organisations to promote the image or services of the agency. Includes: Visit reportsIncoming work integrated learning placements
AuthorityPROS 07/01 2.18.1 & PROS 07/01 2.18.4
Examples of Records
Retain PermanentlyNo
Disposal ActionDestroy
Disposal TriggerLast action completed

Disposal Class ID
Disposal Class TitleAcquisition and disposal
DescriptionRecords documenting the acquisition and/or disposal of equipment and stores where there is no tender or contracting-out process. Includes formal requests for quotations, orders, handover reports, and correspondence relating to the acquisition. Includes records arranging delivery of equipment. For acquisitions requiring tenders or contracts, see CONTRACTING OUT.
AuthorityPROS 07/01 4.1.1
Examples of Records
Retain PermanentlyNo
Disposal ActionDestroy
Disposal TriggerLast action completed

Disposal Class ID
Disposal Class TitleAsset allocation
DescriptionRecords relating to the allocation of equipment or stores to employees within the University. Includes records documenting requests for equipment or stores.
AuthorityPROS 07/01 4.2.1
Examples of Records
Retain PermanentlyNo
Disposal ActionDestroy
Disposal TriggerLast action completed

Disposal Class ID
Disposal Class TitleDelivery
DescriptionRecords documenting arrangements for the delivery of equipment and stores to an agency.
AuthorityPROS 07/01 4.3.1
Examples of Records
Retain PermanentlyNo
Disposal ActionDestroy
Disposal Trigger

Disposal Class ID
Disposal Class TitleFleet management records
DescriptionAll records relating to the management of Deakin's vehicle fleet.Includes records documenting: - Vehicle acquisition, lease, and disposal.-Accidents and infringements.- Vehicle usage and maintenance.- Insurance policies and claims.
AuthorityPROS 07/01 6.2.1 & PROS 07/01 6.4.1 & PROS 07/01 6.7.1 & PROS 07/01 6.1.1 & PROS 07/01 6.5.1 & PRO
Examples of Records
Retain PermanentlyNo
Disposal ActionDestroy
Disposal TriggerLast action completed

Disposal Class ID
DescriptionInstructions for the use of equipment and stores. Includes equipment manuals and operating instructions
AuthorityPROS 07/01 4.9.1
Examples of Records
Retain PermanentlyNo
Disposal ActionDestroy
Disposal TriggerDate closed

Disposal Class ID
Disposal Class TitleMaintenance of equipment
DescriptionRecords documenting the maintenance of equipment and stores, including chemicals, hardware items, instruments, implements, kitchen-cleaning items, medical supplies, stationery, tools, machines, computers, photocopiers, plant, furniture, furnishings, fixtures and fittings. Includes service and maintenance records.
AuthorityPROS 07/01 4.5.1
Examples of Records
Retain PermanentlyNo
Disposal ActionDestroy
Disposal TriggerLast action completed

Disposal Class ID
Disposal Class TitleSecurity adminitration
DescriptionRecords documenting the provision of security to guard property and equipment. Includes records of electronic security surveillance systems, security reports, rosters of patrol operations, restricted access areas.
AuthorityPROS 07/01 14.15.1 & PROS 07/01 4.6.1
Examples of Records
Retain PermanentlyNo
Disposal ActionDestroy
Disposal TriggerLast action completed

Disposal Class ID
Disposal Class TitleStocktake and inventory
DescriptionRecords documenting the processes involved in preparing and auditing against, lists of University assets or items. Includes computer equipment, machinery, tools and furniture.
AuthorityPROS 07/01 4.7.1
Examples of Records
Retain PermanentlyNo
Disposal ActionDestroy
Disposal TriggerLast action completed

Disposal Class ID
Disposal Class TitleStorage of non-hazardous materials
DescriptionRecords documenting the storage of equipment and stores (excluding hazardous materials) within the University. Includes records documenting location management and stock control.
AuthorityPROS 07/01 4.8.1
Examples of Records
Retain PermanentlyNo
Disposal ActionDestroy
Disposal TriggerLast action completed

Disposal Class ID
Disposal Class TitleStorage of hazardous materials
DescriptionRecords documenting the storage of hazardous equipment and stores within the University. Includes records documenting location management and stock control identifying substance properties and details of their condition. For the environmental monitoring of hazardous substances, use HEALTH & SAFETY COMPLIANCE.
AuthorityPROS 07/01 4.8.2
Examples of Records
Retain PermanentlyNo
Disposal ActionDestroy
Disposal TriggerLast action completed

Disposal Class ID
Disposal Class TitleAccounting records
DescriptionPrincipal accounting records and associated supporting records relating to managing the University's revenue and expenditure. Includes invoices, receipts, statements of expenditure, travel diaries, credit notices, journals, ledgers and other records of prime entry. Includes accounts payable and accounts receivable.
AuthorityPROS 07/01 5.1.1
Examples of Records
Retain PermanentlyNo
Disposal ActionDestroy
Disposal Triggerdate created

Disposal Class ID
Disposal Class TitleBanking activities records
DescriptionRecords documenting the management of the University's banking activities.Includes:- Records documenting the establishment of university bank accounts. - Records that document the closure of the bank account. - Deposit records, bank statements, bank reconciliation statements, investment and dividend statements, and records documenting use of credit cards.
AuthorityPROS 07/01 5.1.2 & PROS 07/01 5.1.3
Examples of Records
Retain PermanentlyNo
Disposal ActionDestroy
Disposal TriggerDate created

Disposal Class ID
Disposal Class TitleRecords containing cardholder data and cardholder authentication data
DescriptionRecords containing cardholder data captured as part of an electronic financial transaction including information printed, processed, transmitted or stored in any form on a payment card.
AuthorityPROS 07/01 5.1.9
Examples of Records
Retain PermanentlyNo
Disposal ActionDestroy
Disposal TriggerLast action completed

Disposal Class ID
Disposal Class TitleSignificant advice
DescriptionRecords relating to the provision or receipt of detailed and significant financial advice to executive or senior management regarding financial investments, incurred obligations and financial reporting requirements. Includes detailed and high level advice on the application of specific accounting standards and policies, financial or annual reporting legislation and accounting treatments.
Examples of Records
Retain PermanentlyYes
Disposal ActionTransfer to local archive
Disposal Trigger

Disposal Class ID
Disposal Class TitleRoutine advice
DescriptionRecords relating to advice regarding general financial management and accounting practices including financial advice concerning routine operational matters, e.g. wage cases, property matters.
Examples of Records
Retain PermanentlyNo
Disposal Action
Disposal Trigger

Disposal Class ID
Disposal Class TitleAsset registers
DescriptionSummary record listing the university's assets, such as an asset register
AuthorityPROS 07/01 5.2.1
Examples of Records
Retain PermanentlyYes
Disposal ActionTransfer to local archive
Disposal TriggerLast action completed

Disposal Class ID
Disposal Class TitleAsset valuation
DescriptionRecords documenting asset valuation and asset management processes, including requests for inclusion on the asset register.
AuthorityPROS 07/01 5.2.2
Examples of Records
Retain PermanentlyNo
Disposal ActionDestroy
Disposal TriggerLast action completed

Disposal Class ID
Disposal Class TitleAudit reports
DescriptionFinal reports of internal or external financial audits, which result in significant changes to university practices.
AuthorityPROS 07/01 5.3.1
Examples of Records
Retain PermanentlyNo
Disposal ActionDestroy
Disposal TriggerDate closed

Disposal Class ID
Disposal Class TitleAudit planning
DescriptionRecords documenting the planning and conduct of internal and external financial audits.
AuthorityPROS 07/01 5.3.3
Examples of Records
Retain PermanentlyNo
Disposal ActionDestroy
Disposal TriggerDate closed

Disposal Class ID
Disposal Class TitleDelegations
DescriptionDelegations of power to university staff to authorise financial activities and transactions (e.g. delegation to approve expenditure or appointment of an officer to countersign cheques).
AuthorityPROS 07/01 5.4.1
Examples of Records
Retain PermanentlyNo
Disposal ActionDestroy
Disposal TriggerDate superseded

Disposal Class ID
Disposal Class TitleUniversity-wide estimates
DescriptionBudget estimates, spending progress and revenue for the University. Includes background information, budget allocation decisions, allocation of funds, estimates of expenditure, certification of accounts, calculations, superseded revisions, costing of annual expenditure, additional estimates. Includes supporting documentation and any monitoring activities that track spending against the budget.
AuthorityPROS 07/01 5.5.1 & PROS 07/01 5.5.3
Examples of Records
Retain PermanentlyNo
Disposal ActionDestroy
Disposal TriggerDate created

Disposal Class ID
Disposal Class TitleDepartmental or work-unit estimates
DescriptionBudget estimates, spending progress and revenue for a department or work unit. Includes tables reflecting budget allocations, salary commitments, other commitment projections, budget submissions. Includes variations to budgets, interim budget reports. Includes supporting documentation and any monitoring activities that track spending against the budget.
AuthorityPROS 07/01 5.5.5
Examples of Records
Retain PermanentlyNo
Disposal ActionDestroy
Disposal TriggerDate created

Disposal Class ID
Disposal Class TitleDebt recovery
DescriptionRecords documenting the management of debt recovery.
AuthorityPROS 07/01 5.1.4
Examples of Records
Retain PermanentlyNo
Disposal ActionDestroy
Disposal TriggerLast action completed

Disposal Class ID
Disposal Class TitleAnnual financial statements and background documentation
DescriptionAnnual financial statements and associated background documentation. Includes balance sheets, operating statements, cash flow statements and accompanying notes/working papers.
AuthorityPROS 07/01 5.6.1
Examples of Records
Retain PermanentlyYes
Disposal ActionTransfer to local archive
Disposal TriggerLast action completed

Disposal Class ID
Disposal Class TitleInterim financial statements
DescriptionInterim financial statements including balance sheets and operating statements. Includes mid-year and quarterly financial reporting statements. Includes working papers.
AuthorityPROS 07/01 5.6.2
Examples of Records
Retain PermanentlyNo
Disposal ActionDestroy
Disposal TriggerDate created

Disposal Class ID
Disposal Class TitleIdentification of fraud
DescriptionRecords documenting the identification of instances of fraud that were resolved internally. Includes fraud resulting in liaison with external bodies.
AuthorityPROS 07/01 5.7.1 & PROS 07/01 5.7.2
Examples of Records
Retain PermanentlyNo
Disposal ActionDestroy
Disposal TriggerLast action completed

Disposal Class ID
Disposal Class TitleClaims and policies
DescriptionRecords of insurance policies including property insurance and public liability insurance, and records documenting insurance claims. For files related to management of individual Workcover cases, see HUMAN RESOURCES.
AuthorityPROS 07/01 14.8.3 & PROS 07/01 14.8.1
Examples of Records
Retain PermanentlyNo
Disposal ActionDestroy
Disposal TriggerLast action completed

Disposal Class ID
Disposal Class TitleLoans management
DescriptionRecords relating to the borrowing of money by the University. Includes loan agreements, repayment records, interest rate agreements and other associated records.
AuthorityPROS 07/01 5.13.1
Examples of Records
Retain PermanentlyNo
Disposal ActionDestroy
Disposal TriggerDate closed

Disposal Class ID
Disposal Class TitlePecuriary interests
DescriptionRecords documenting an individuals company, trust and property holdings as well as any other pecuniary interests. Includes pecuniary returns made upon appointment as well as any regular updates.
AuthorityPROS 07/01 5.9.1
Examples of Records
Retain PermanentlyNo
Disposal ActionDestroy
Disposal TriggerLast action completed

Disposal Class ID
Disposal Class TitleSalaries processing/payroll
DescriptionRecords documenting the processing of payment of salaries to personnel. For records such as group certificates, tax declaration forms and overtime, use HUMAN RESOURCES Remuneration.
AuthorityPROS 07/01 5.11.1
Examples of Records
Retain PermanentlyNo
Disposal ActionDestroy
Disposal TriggerDate created

Disposal Class ID
Disposal Class TitleTax administration
DescriptionRecords documenting the taxation matters of the University, e.g. administration of Goods & Services Tax (GST). Includes records relating to organisational income taxation records, including records relating to the payment of payroll taxes.
AuthorityPROS 07/01 5.12.1
Examples of Records
Retain PermanentlyNo
Disposal ActionDestroy
Disposal TriggerDate created

Disposal Class ID
Disposal Class TitleAudits and audit management
DescriptionFinal reports of audit or other compliance monitoring of university activities. Includes both internal and external audits. Includes records documenting the planning and conduct of audits or other complaiance monitoring into university activities.
AuthorityPROS 16/07 4.1.1 & PROS 16/07 4.1.2
Examples of Records
Retain PermanentlyNo
Disposal ActionDestroy
Disposal TriggerLast action completed

Disposal Class ID
Disposal Class TitleBenchmarking
DescriptionRecords documenting the evaluation of the University by measuring processes, programs and services against like institutions or professional or industry standards. Includes benchmarking, surveys, analysis and reporting on evaluation activities. Also includes records used for facilitation of evaluation activities and working papers as well as records used to develop benchmarks and compare current benchmarks with professional or industry standards and to those used by other institutions. Does not include surveys used to test student satisfaction with the courses, subjects or units see TEACHING COURSE DELIVERY.
AuthorityPROS 16/07 4.2.1
Examples of Records
Retain PermanentlyNo
Disposal ActionDestroy
Disposal TriggerLast action completed

Disposal Class ID
Disposal Class TitleInternal committees minutes, agendas, and papers - strategic
DescriptionMinutes, agendas, and papers of internal committees established to determine policy and for planning purposes, including meetings of senior management within the university. Includes Deakin University Council.
AuthorityPROS 07/01 1.7.1
Examples of Records
Retain PermanentlyYes
Disposal ActionTransfer to local archive
Disposal TriggerLast action completed

Disposal Class ID
Disposal Class TitleInternal committees minutes, agendas, and papers - operational
DescriptionMinutes, agendas, and papers of committees established for operational purposes that do not determine policy direction or strategic planning of the university. For the records of committees established to consider ethics issues use RESEARCH RESEARCH ADMINISTRATION.
AuthorityPROS 07/01 1.6.1
Examples of Records
Retain PermanentlyNo
Disposal ActionDestroy
Disposal TriggerLast action completed

Disposal Class ID
Disposal Class TitleAdministrative arrangements
DescriptionRecords of a general administrative nature relating to the management of boards and committees, including the preparation and circulation of minutes to members, use of premises where the meetings take place and travel arrangements for members to attend meetings. Includes attendance arrangements, facility arrangements, and expressions of thanks. For financial records relating to the facilitation of meetings, use FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT - ACCOUNTING.
AuthorityPROS 07/01 1.5.1
Examples of Records
Retain PermanentlyNo
Disposal ActionDestroy
Disposal TriggerLast action completed

Disposal Class ID
Disposal Class TitleElections, nominations, and establishment
DescriptionRecords documenting the establishment and ongoing membership management of University committees and boards.
AuthorityPROS 07/01 1.2.1
Examples of Records
Retain PermanentlyYes
Disposal ActionTransfer to local archive
Disposal TriggerLast action completed

Disposal Class ID
Disposal Class TitleExternal committees - convened by the university
DescriptionRecords relating to external or inter-university committees, convened by the university, or where the University provides the Secretariat. Includes the appointment of members and meeting papers.
AuthorityPROS 07/01 1.3.1
Examples of Records
Retain PermanentlyYes
Disposal ActionTransfer to local archive
Disposal TriggerLast action completed

Disposal Class ID
Disposal Class TitleExternal committees - not convened by the university
DescriptionRecords relating to external committees or inter-university committees not convened by Deakin University, or where Deakin University does not provide the Secretariat.
AuthorityPROS 07/01 1.4.1
Examples of Records
Retain PermanentlyNo
Disposal ActionDestroy
Disposal TriggerLast action completed

Disposal Class ID
Disposal Class TitleEstablishment and restructuring planning (major)
DescriptionRecords detailing significant reviews and restructures of functional sections of the university. Includes records documenting the establishment and development of a new university structure.
AuthorityPROS 07/01 18.4.1
Examples of Records
Retain PermanentlyYes
Disposal ActionTransfer to local archive
Disposal TriggerLast action completed

Disposal Class ID
Disposal Class TitleEstablishment and restructuring planning (minor)
DescriptionRecords detailing only minor reviews and restructures affecting only particular sections of the university and having little effect on the overall functioning of the university.
AuthorityPROS 07/01 18.4.2
Examples of Records
Retain PermanentlyNo
Disposal ActionDestroy
Disposal TriggerLast action completed

Disposal Class ID
Disposal Class TitleEstablishment and restructuring facilitation
DescriptionRecords documenting the administrative arrangements that result from university restructures. Includes transfer of equipment, corporate files etc.
AuthorityPROS 07/01 18.4.3
Examples of Records
Retain PermanentlyNo
Disposal ActionDestroy
Disposal TriggerLast action completed

Disposal Class ID
Disposal Class TitleInquiries related to university functions
DescriptionRecords documenting the university's contribution and involvement in inquiries directly related to university functions. Includes university statements and submissions, responses to final reports, and transcripts of evidence given by university officers.Includes records documenting the implementation by the university of recommendations made as part of an inquiry.
AuthorityPROS 07/01 7.5.1
Examples of Records
Retain PermanentlyYes
Disposal ActionTransfer to local archive
Disposal TriggerLast action completed

Disposal Class ID
Disposal Class TitleLicensing
DescriptionRegistration of University compliance with licensing or other bodies to enable the University to manage and hold specific facilities, services and materials. Includes records of initial licensing, permits or registration as well as renewal or re-registration. Includes licences and permits relating to the Universitys compliance with regulations surrounding research activities including laboratories and animal housing, collections, the provision of alcohol, beauty services, food services and other university services designed to support teaching and learning activities. For building permits use PROPERTY MANAGEMENT.
AuthorityPROS 16/07 4.3.1
Examples of Records
Retain PermanentlyNo
Disposal ActionDestroy
Disposal TriggerDate closed

Disposal Class ID
Disposal Class TitleStrategic or corporate plans (Master copies)
DescriptionFinal version of agency-wide strategic or corporate plans. For agency-wide staff development plans, use HUMAN RESOURCES - STAFF DEVELOPMENT.
AuthorityPROS 07/01 18.2.1
Examples of Records
Retain PermanentlyYes
Disposal ActionTransfer to local archive
Disposal TriggerLast action completed

Disposal Class ID
Disposal Class TitleBusiness unit level work plans
DescriptionFinal version of business unit level work plans. For business unit staff development plans, use HUMAN RESOURCES - STAFF DEVELOPMENT.
AuthorityPROS 07/01 18.2.3
Examples of Records
Retain PermanentlyNo
Disposal ActionDestroy
Disposal TriggerLast action completed

Disposal Class ID
Disposal Class TitleDevelopment of strategic, corporate, and business unit level work plans
DescriptionRecords documenting the development of all strategic, corporate or business unit level work plans.
AuthorityPROS 07/01 18.2.4
Examples of Records
Retain PermanentlyNo
Disposal ActionDestroy
Disposal TriggerLast action completed

Disposal Class ID
Disposal Class TitleUniversity-wide policy
DescriptionRecords documenting a policy, including its formulation, or functional activities, strategic planning and management matters affecting the whole university.
AuthorityPROS 07/01 13.1.1 & PROS 07/01 13.1.2
Examples of Records
Retain PermanentlyYes
Disposal ActionTransfer to local archive
Disposal TriggerLast action completed

Disposal Class ID
Disposal Class TitleMinor administrative policy
DescriptionRecords relating to the formulation of policies that refer to administrative functions of minor significance.
AuthorityPROS 07/01 13.1.3
Examples of Records
Retain PermanentlyNo
Disposal ActionDestroy
Disposal TriggerDate superseded

Disposal Class ID
Disposal Class TitleProcedures and processes
DescriptionStandard methods of operating laid down by the University according to formulated policy. Variants: Emergency Procedures, unit level procedures, Guidelines, Work Instructions. Records of university procedures including manuals, handbooks, directives, etc.
AuthorityPROS 07/01 13.3.1
Examples of Records
Retain PermanentlyNo
Disposal ActionDestroy
Disposal TriggerDate superseded

Disposal Class ID
Disposal Class TitleSummary project records
DescriptionSummary documentation of projects. Includes project registers.
AuthorityPROS 07/01 18.3.1
Examples of Records
Retain PermanentlyYes
Disposal ActionTransfer to local archive
Disposal TriggerLast action completed

Disposal Class ID
Disposal Class TitleDevelopment of project management methodologies and systems
DescriptionRecords documenting the development of a project management methodology and systems for reporting and monitoring of projects.
AuthorityPROS 07/01 18.3.2
Examples of Records
Retain PermanentlyNo
Disposal ActionDestroy
Disposal TriggerLast action completed

Disposal Class ID
Disposal Class TitleProject initiation, management, reporting, and closure (strategic)
DescriptionRecords documenting the planning, initiation, management, reporting, and closure of routine projects run by the University that cost over $150,000 or require approval by the Deakin Portfolio Office (DPO).
AuthorityPROS 07/01 18.2.1
Examples of Records
Retain PermanentlyYes
Disposal ActionTransfer to local archive
Disposal TriggerLast action completed

Disposal Class ID
Disposal Class TitleProject initiation, management, reporting, and closure (operational)
DescriptionRecords documenting the planning, initiation, management, reporting, and closure of routine projects run by the University that cost under $150,000.
AuthorityPROS 07/01 18.2.3
Examples of Records
Retain PermanentlyNo
Disposal ActionDestroy
Disposal TriggerLast action completed

Disposal Class ID
Disposal Class TitleSubmissions for registration.
DescriptionFinal submissions to an Education Authority / Regulator to either become or continue to be a Registered Education Provider / RTO. Includes, but is not limited to, registrations with the Tertiary Education Standards Quality Agency (TESQA), Australian Skills Quality Authority (ASQA), Victorian Registration and Qualifications Authority (VRQA) and the Commonwealth Register of Institutions and courses for Overseas Students (CRICOS) and records documenting any terms or conditions imposed by the regulator. Includes records documenting the development of the submission.
AuthorityPROS 16/07 4.4.1
Examples of Records
Retain PermanentlyNo
Disposal ActionDestroy
Disposal TriggerLast action completed

Disposal Class ID
Disposal Class TitleAdministrative reporting
DescriptionReports produced about the day-to-day internal administrative functions of the University. The activities associated with the reporting on the Universitys administrative functions.
AuthorityPROS 07/01 16.1.1
Examples of Records
Retain PermanentlyNo
Disposal ActionDestroy
Disposal TriggerLast action completed

Disposal Class ID
Disposal Class TitleAnnual reports
DescriptionAnnual reports. The activities that produce an agencys annual report to Parliament.
AuthorityPROS 07/01 16.2.1
Examples of Records
Retain PermanentlyYes
Disposal ActionTransfer to local archive
Disposal TriggerLast action completed

Disposal Class ID
Disposal Class TitleConsolidated reporting
DescriptionReports of the Universitys functions that detail performance against objectives, including legislated objectives. Consolidated reports on functional activities, which are not reproduced elsewhere. See also HEALTH AND SAFETY PLANNING.
AuthorityPROS 07/01 16.3.1
Examples of Records
Retain PermanentlyYes
Disposal ActionTransfer to local archive
Disposal TriggerLast action completed

Disposal Class ID
Disposal Class TitleFunctional reporting
DescriptionReports on functional activities which are reproduced elsewhere, e.g. in the annual report. See also FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT AUDIT, GOVERNANCE AUDITING.
AuthorityPROS 07/01 16.3.2
Examples of Records
Retain PermanentlyNo
Disposal ActionDestroy
Disposal TriggerLast action completed

Disposal Class ID
Disposal Class TitleInput to reports
DescriptionBackground information and reference materials supplied for reports and summaries.
Examples of Records
Retain PermanentlyNo
Disposal ActionDestroy
Disposal TriggerLast action completed

Disposal Class ID
Disposal Class TitleRisk management
DescriptionRecords documenting risk management including each stage of the process, risk assessments, treatment schedules and action plans. Includes risk assessments applicable to university functions including Health and Safety assessments and mitigation efforts.
AuthorityPROS 07/01 18.5.1
Examples of Records
Retain PermanentlyNo
Disposal ActionDestroy
Disposal TriggerLast action completed

Disposal Class ID
Disposal Class TitleOccupational Health & Safety (OH&S) advice
DescriptionRecords relating to the receipt and provision of advice on the OH&S function.
AuthorityPROS 07/01 11.2.1
Examples of Records
Retain PermanentlyNo
Disposal ActionDestroy
Disposal TriggerLast action completed

Disposal Class ID
Disposal Class TitleAppeals against decisions
DescriptionRecords documenting an appeal made by the university against an investigator's (e.g. WorkCover Victoria) decision on a health and safety matter.
AuthorityPROS 07/01 11.3.1
Examples of Records
Retain PermanentlyNo
Disposal ActionDestroy
Disposal TriggerLast action completed

Disposal Class ID
Disposal Class TitleAudit planning and final report
DescriptionRecords documenting the planning and conduct of external and internal audits relating to the OH&S function. Includes copy of final report and records documenting changes to procedures as a result of an audit.
AuthorityPROS 07/01 11.4.1
Examples of Records
Retain PermanentlyNo
Disposal ActionDestroy
Disposal TriggerLast action completed

Disposal Class ID
Disposal Class TitleCompensation - death
DescriptionRecords documenting claims for compensation submitted when an employee or a member of the public has died and liability is with the University.
AuthorityPROS 07/01 11.5.1 (member of the public) & PROS 07/01 11.5.3 (employee)
Examples of Records
Retain PermanentlyYes
Disposal ActionTransfer to local archive
Disposal TriggerLast action completed

Disposal Class ID
Disposal Class TitleCompensation - injury to public
DescriptionRecords documenting claims for compensation submitted when a member of the public has been injured and liability is with the University.
AuthorityPROS 07/01 11.5.2
Examples of Records
Retain PermanentlyNo
Disposal ActionDestroy
Disposal TriggerLast action completed

Disposal Class ID
Disposal Class TitleCompenstation - injury to staff
DescriptionRecords documenting claims for compensation submitted for personal injury of an employee.
AuthorityPROS 07/01 11.5.4
Examples of Records
Retain PermanentlyNo
Disposal ActionDestroy
Disposal TriggerLast action completed

Disposal Class ID
Disposal Class TitleOccupational Health & Safety (OH&S) compliance
DescriptionRecords documenting compliance with provisions of the Occupational Health and Safety Acts and Regulations. Includes records relating to fire protection systems,evacuation drills and building emergency response plans. Includes Records documenting the application for and management of licenses and permits issued under OH&S legislation. Includes non-compliance notices
AuthorityPROS 07/01 11.6.1
Examples of Records
Retain PermanentlyNo
Disposal ActionDestroy
Disposal TriggerLast action completed

Disposal Class ID
Disposal Class TitleOccupational Health and Safety (OH&S) licenses and permits
DescriptionRecords documenting the application for and management of licenses and permits issued under OH&S legislation.
AuthorityPROS 07/01 11.6.2
Examples of Records
Retain PermanentlyNo
Disposal ActionDestroy
Disposal TriggerLast action completed

Disposal Class ID
Disposal Class TitleNon-compliance notices
DescriptionNon-compliance notices issued under OH&S legislation.
AuthorityPROS 07/01 11.6.3
Examples of Records
Retain PermanentlyNo
Disposal ActionDestroy
Disposal TriggerLast action completed

Disposal Class ID
Disposal Class TitleContact tracing information
DescriptionRecords documenting attendees at University premises to enable contact tracing if required for public health reasons. Includes a register or record of the names of all persons (including staff) attending an agency premise, their contact information, and the date and time they visited the premises.
AuthorityDirection issued by Department of Health and Human Services
Examples of Records
Retain PermanentlyNo
Disposal ActionDestroy
Disposal TriggerLast action completed

Disposal Class ID
Disposal Class TitleHazardous substrances register
DescriptionHazardous substance register (including asbestos register) identifying substance properties and details of their condition.
AuthorityPROS 07/01 14.11.7
Examples of Records
Retain PermanentlyNo
Disposal ActionDestroy
Disposal Triggerlast action completed

Disposal Class ID
Disposal Class TitleMonitoring of hazardous substances
DescriptionRecords documenting environmental monitoring of hazardous substances listed in relevant OH&S legislation. Includes Safety Data Sheets (SDS)/Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS) prepared by the manufacturers of chemicals which describe the properties and uses of the substance.Includes dangerous goods, hazardous substances, drugs, poisons and controlled substances and also medicines, agricultural and veterinary chemicals.
AuthorityPROS 07/01 11.6.4
Examples of Records
Retain PermanentlyNo
Disposal ActionDestroy
Disposal Triggerlast action completed

Disposal Class ID
Disposal Class TitleHealth and safety awareness programs
DescriptionRecords documenting the promotion of safe work practices in the workplace. Includes the development and distribution of notices, instructions, posters and other promotional material. Records documenting activities associated with improving the overall health and wellbeing of a workforce. Includes massage programs, yoga classes, etc.
AuthorityPROS 07/01 11.7.1 & PROS 07/01 11.7.2
Examples of Records
Retain PermanentlyNo
Disposal ActionDestroy
Disposal Triggerlast action completed

Disposal Class ID
Disposal Class TitleIncidents resulting in death
DescriptionAccident/incident reports and supporting documentation for incidents where death of an employee or contractor has occurred as the result of an injury in the workplace or while travelling for employment purposes; or where the death of a visitor has occurred as the result of an incident on university premises. Includes accident registers.
AuthorityPROS 07/01 11.1.1
Examples of Records
Retain PermanentlyYes
Disposal ActionTransfer to local archive
Disposal Triggerlast action completed

Disposal Class ID
Disposal Class TitleIncidents resulting in serious injury
DescriptionAccident/incident reports and supporting documentation for dangerous occurrences and incidents where serious personal injury (as defined by Accident Compensation and OH&S legislation) and incapacity of an employee or contractor has occurred as a result of an incident within the university, or while travelling for university purposes, or has occurred to a visitor as the result of an incident on the agencys premises. Includes accident registers.
AuthorityPROS 07/01 11.1.2
Examples of Records
Retain PermanentlyNo
Disposal ActionDestroy
Disposal Triggerlast action completed

Disposal Class ID
Disposal Class TitleLess serious incidents
DescriptionAccident/incident reports and supporting documentation for incidents, which did not result in a serious injury (as defined by Accident Compensation and OH&S legislation) to an employee or contractor as the result of an incident within the workplace or while travelling for the purposes of employment, or to a visitor on the Universitys premises.
AuthorityPROS 07/01 11.1.3
Examples of Records
Retain PermanentlyNo
Disposal ActionDestroy
Disposal Triggerlast action completed

Disposal Class ID
Disposal Class TitleIncidents not resulting in claims
DescriptionRecords relating to incidents involving employees or contractors (or Victorian Government workers) not resulting in Workers Compensation claims
AuthorityPROS 07/01 11.1.4
Examples of Records
Retain PermanentlyNo
Disposal ActionDestroy
Disposal Triggerlast action completed

Disposal Class ID
Disposal Class TitleFirst-aid registers
DescriptionFirst-aid registers of injuries and treatment.
AuthorityPROS 07/01 11.1.6
Examples of Records
Retain PermanentlyNo
Disposal ActionDestroy
Disposal Triggerlast action completed

Disposal Class ID
Disposal Class TitleOH&S inspections following major accidents
DescriptionRecords documenting an OH&S inspection resulting from a major accident in the workplace (e.g. dangerous occurrences or accidents causing fatalities or serious injuries).
AuthorityPROS 07/01 11.8.1
Examples of Records
Retain PermanentlyYes
Disposal ActionTransfer to local archive
Disposal Triggerlast action completed

Disposal Class ID
Disposal Class TitleRoutine OH&S inspections
DescriptionRecords documenting routine OH&S inspections of work sites and other areas. Includes inspections of hazardous substances. Includes records documenting routine OH&S inspections carried out by WorkCover Victoria as a result of a planned program or a safety dispute in the workplace.
AuthorityPROS 07/01 11.8.2 & PROS 07/01 11.8.3
Examples of Records
Retain PermanentlyNo
Disposal ActionDestroy
Disposal Triggerlast action completed

Disposal Class ID
Disposal Class TitleOccupational Health & Safety (OH&S) plans
DescriptionFinal versions of university-wide OH&S plans. Includes records that document substantial input or decisions made regarding the plans and those that document the implementation of the plans. Includes records documenting the review and monitoring of the plan. Includes emergency planning.
AuthorityPROS 07/01 11.9.1 & PROS 07/01 11.9.2
Examples of Records
Retain PermanentlyNo
Disposal ActionDestroy
Disposal Triggerdate superseded

Disposal Class ID
Disposal Class TitleAppointment of Occupational Health & Safety (OH&S) officers
DescriptionRecords documenting the appointment of first aid officers, fire wardens and safety officers etc.
AuthorityPROS 07/01 11.11.1
Examples of Records
Retain PermanentlyNo
Disposal ActionDestroy
Disposal TriggerDate closed

Disposal Class ID
Disposal Class TitleOccupational Health & Safety (OH&S) risk management - monitoring required
DescriptionRecords documenting the risk management of all OH&S hazards, including hazardous substances detailed in OH&S regulations, where risk assessments indicate a risk to the employees and where health surveillance and/or monitoring of employees is necessary.
AuthorityPROS 07/01 11.12.1
Examples of Records
Retain PermanentlyNo
Disposal ActionDestroy
Disposal Triggerlast action completed

Disposal Class ID
Disposal Class TitleOccupational Health & Safety (OH&S) risk management - no monitoring required
DescriptionRecords documenting the risk management of OH&S hazards where risk assessments indicate no risk to the employees and where no health surveillance and/or monitoring is required.
AuthorityPROS 07/01 11.12.2
Examples of Records
Retain PermanentlyNo
Disposal ActionDestroy
Disposal Triggerlast action completed

Disposal Class ID
Disposal Class TitleManagement of consultants, contractors, and honorary positions
DescriptionRecords associated with the engagement and use of consultants or contractors and honorary or adjunct appointments. Includes personal details and agreed undertakings relating to conditions of engagement and details of work performed. Includes Independent Contractor Agreements (ICA), Honorary Fellows, Visiting Professors, Professors Emeritus and University visitors.Includes Working with Children Checks (WWCC).
AuthorityPROS 07/01 3.1.1 & PROS 07/01 3.2.1
Examples of Records
Retain PermanentlyNo
Disposal ActionDestroy
Disposal Triggercontract expiration or other termination

Disposal Class ID
Disposal Class TitleCounselling records
DescriptionRecords documenting the provision of counselling or professional coaching to staff. Includes employee assistance programs, mentoring, and trauma counselling.
AuthorityPROS 07/01 12.4.1
Examples of Records
Retain PermanentlyNo
Disposal ActionDestroy
Disposal TriggerLast action completed

Disposal Class ID
Disposal Class TitleEnterprise agreements
DescriptionRecords documenting the process where employees negotiate increased pay or other benefits with their employers in exchange for the implementation of working arrangements that improve the performance of the agency. Includes the activities associated with enterprise bargaining and with establishing and implementing a workplace agreement. For workplace agreements relating to individuals, use HUMAN RESOURCES WORKPLACE AGREEMENTS. Records relating to workplace agreements applying to the University which are of a precedent-setting nature or which affect a majority of University employees.
AuthorityPROS 07/01 8.6.1
Examples of Records
Retain PermanentlyYes
Disposal ActionTransfer to local archive
Disposal TriggerLast action completed

Disposal Class ID
Disposal Class TitleBenchmarking
DescriptionRecords documenting the evaluation of existing and potential programs and services supporting the human resources function. See also GOVERNANCE BENCHMARKING.
AuthorityPROS 07/01 12.6.1
Examples of Records
Retain PermanentlyNo
Disposal ActionDestroy
Disposal TriggerLast action completed

Disposal Class ID
Disposal Class TitleSummary of grievances
DescriptionSummary documentation of grievances detailing the type of grievance and how resolved.
AuthorityPROS 07/01 12.7.1
Examples of Records
Retain PermanentlyYes
Disposal ActionTransfer to local archive
Disposal TriggerLast action completed

Disposal Class ID
Disposal Class TitleGrievances management
DescriptionRecords documenting grievances including those settled via mediation.Includes both formal and informal grievances.
AuthorityPROS 07/01 12.7.3
Examples of Records
Retain PermanentlyNo
Disposal ActionDestroy
Disposal TriggerLast action completed

Disposal Class ID
Disposal Class TitleAdvice (significant matters)
DescriptionRecords relating to detailed advice concerning significant industrial relations matters concerning the University, including precedent cases.
AuthorityPROS 07/01 8.1.1
Examples of Records
Retain PermanentlyYes
Disposal ActionTransfer to local archive
Disposal TriggerLast action completed

Disposal Class ID
Disposal Class TitleAdvice (routine matters)
DescriptionRecords relating to advice concerning routine industrial relations matters.
AuthorityPROS 07/01 8.1.2
Examples of Records
Retain PermanentlyNo
Disposal ActionDestroy
Disposal TriggerLast action completed

Disposal Class ID
Disposal Class TitleAppeals to arbitration
DescriptionRecords documenting appeals made to the central arbitration or determining body (e.g. Australia Industrial Relations Commission (AIRC)) against a decision or an order where the University is a major participant in negotiations.
AuthorityPROS 07/01 8.3.1
Examples of Records
Retain PermanentlyYes
Disposal ActionTransfer to local archive
Disposal TriggerLast action completed

Disposal Class ID
Disposal Class TitleDisputes (precedent setting)
DescriptionRecords relating to workplace disputes of a landmark or precedentsetting nature or which affect the entire university.
AuthorityPROS 07/01 8.4.1
Examples of Records
Retain PermanentlyYes
Disposal ActionTransfer to local archive
Disposal TriggerLast action completed

Disposal Class ID
Disposal Class TitleDisputes (less significant)
DescriptionRecords relating to workplace disputes that are not of a landmark or precedent-setting nature and which do not affect the entire University.
AuthorityPROS 07/01 8.4.2
Examples of Records
Retain PermanentlyNo
Disposal ActionDestroy
Disposal TriggerLast action completed

Disposal Class ID
Disposal Class TitleIndustrial action - significant
DescriptionRecords documenting the management of industrial action of a significant nature, e.g. involving large numbers of University staff, where the action has a major effect on the provision of services to the university community or it has state wide implications.
AuthorityPROS 07/01 8.5.1
Examples of Records
Retain PermanentlyYes
Disposal ActionTransfer to local archive
Disposal TriggerLast action completed

Disposal Class ID
Disposal Class TitleIndustrial action - minor
DescriptionRecords documenting the management of industrial action of a minor nature e.g. involving few staff, with no major effect on the provision of services to the university community or confined to a localised area of the University.
AuthorityPROS 07/01 8.5.2
Examples of Records
Retain PermanentlyNo
Disposal ActionDestroy
Disposal TriggerLast action completed

Disposal Class ID
Disposal Class TitleBargaining not resulting in agreement
DescriptionRecords relating to situations where enterprise bargaining has not resulted in a workplace agreement.
AuthorityPROS 07/01 8.6.2 & PROS 07/01 12.18.2
Examples of Records
Retain PermanentlyNo
Disposal ActionDestroy
Disposal TriggerLast action completed

Disposal Class ID
Disposal Class TitleWorkplace agreements
DescriptionRecords documenting enterprise agreements/contracts made with individual employees or at a workgroup level. Includes the agreement and records of negotiations. The process where employees negotiate increased pay or other benefits with their employers in exchange for the implementation of workingarrangements that improve the performance of the agency.
AuthorityPROS 07/01 12.18.1
Examples of Records
Retain PermanentlyNo
Disposal ActionDestroy
Disposal Triggercontract expiration or other termination

Disposal Class ID
Disposal Class TitleWorkload allocation models
DescriptionRecords documenting the allocation of academic workloads to staff.
AuthorityPROS 07/01 12.13.1
Examples of Records
Retain PermanentlyNo
Disposal ActionDestroy
Disposal TriggerDate closed

Disposal Class ID
Disposal Class TitleRehabilitation
DescriptionRecords documenting the rehabilitation of workers to full employment, which are not related to a compensation case. Includes return to work plans. For records relating to workers compensation cases, use HEALTH & SAFETY COMPENSATION.
AuthorityPROS 07/01 11.10.1
Examples of Records
Retain PermanentlyNo
Disposal ActionDestroy
Disposal TriggerLast action completed

Disposal Class ID
Disposal Class TitleConsolidated leave history
DescriptionConsolidated leave history records and records documenting the authorisation of long service leave, parental leave, military leave and leave without pay exceeding 5 days in any one calendar year (i.e. leave used to calculate entitlements for superannuation or long service leave).
AuthorityPROS 07/01 12.9.1
Examples of Records
Retain PermanentlyNo
Disposal ActionDestroy
Disposal TriggerDate closed

Disposal Class ID
Disposal Class TitleRecords supporting the taking of leave
DescriptionRecords supporting the taking of leave (e.g. sick leave certificates, applications and approval of leave, etc.).Includes attendance records.
AuthorityPROS 07/01 12.9.2 & PROS 07/01 12.9.3
Examples of Records
Retain PermanentlyNo
Disposal ActionDestroy
Disposal TriggerLast action completed

Disposal Class ID
Disposal Class TitleMisconduct
DescriptionRecords documenting investigations by either the University or an external body where misconduct by a university representative is proven and which results in dismissal. Includes both records of the investigations and their outcomes. Until definitely unproven, all records relating to misconduct fall under this class.Includes instances of misconduct not resulting in dismissal.
AuthorityPROS 07/01 12.10.1 & PROS 07/01 12.10.2
Examples of Records
Retain PermanentlyNo
Disposal ActionDestroy
Disposal TriggerLast action completed

Disposal Class ID
Disposal Class TitleMisconduct unproven
DescriptionRecords documenting allegations of misconduct where no misconduct is proven (e.g. where allegations are proved to be frivolous or vexatious).
AuthorityPROS 07/01 12.10.3
Examples of Records
Retain PermanentlyNo
Disposal ActionDestroy
Disposal TriggerLast action completed

Disposal Class ID
Disposal Class TitlePerformance management schemes
DescriptionRecords documenting the development and management of University performance management schemes.
AuthorityPROS 07/01 12.12.1
Examples of Records
Retain PermanentlyNo
Disposal ActionDestroy
Disposal TriggerLast action completed

Disposal Class ID
Disposal Class TitlePerformance agreements
DescriptionPerformance agreements with individual employees. Includes final version of agreement, notes from meetings with employees and assessment and review reports.
AuthorityPROS 07/01 12.12.2
Examples of Records
Retain PermanentlyNo
Disposal ActionDestroy
Disposal TriggerDate superseded

Disposal Class ID
Disposal Class TitlePosition descriptions
DescriptionRecords documenting the creation, variation, abolition, transfer or reclassification of positions and assigned duties. Includes appeals against promotion/classification decisions.
AuthorityPROS 07/01 12.13.1 & PROS 07/01 12.3.1
Examples of Records
Retain PermanentlyNo
Disposal ActionDestroy
Disposal TriggerDate closed

Disposal Class ID
Disposal Class TitlePosition descriptions - applications to vary not proceeded with
DescriptionApplications to establish and/or vary positions and assigned duties not proceeded with. Includes appeals against promotion/classification decisions.
AuthorityPROS 07/01 12.13.2 & PROS 07/01 12.3.1
Examples of Records
Retain PermanentlyNo
Disposal ActionDestroy
Disposal TriggerLast action completed

Disposal Class ID
Disposal Class TitleRecruitment process and outcomes
DescriptionRecords documenting the recruitment process including recruitment campaigns (e.g. graduate employment schemes). Includes records documenting candidate identification and selection. Includes make-up of interview panels and the interview and referee questions.
AuthorityPROS 07/01 12.14.1
Examples of Records
Retain PermanentlyNo
Disposal ActionDestroy
Disposal TriggerLast action completed

Disposal Class ID
Disposal Class TitleSecurity checks
DescriptionRecords documenting security checks (vetting) carried out as part of pre-engagement, pre-employment and pre-appointment checks, or periodic reviews. Includes police checks and the Working with Children Check (WWCC).
AuthorityPROS 07/01 12.16.2
Examples of Records
Retain PermanentlyNo
Disposal ActionDestroy
Disposal TriggerLast action completed

Disposal Class ID
Disposal Class TitleSalaries
DescriptionRecords documenting employee salaries. Includes taxation declaration records, group certificates, payroll deduction authorities, records relating to recovery of overpayments and employee pay history records.
AuthorityPROS 07/01 12.15.1
Examples of Records
Retain PermanentlyNo
Disposal ActionDestroy
Disposal TriggerDate closed

Disposal Class ID
Disposal Class TitleAllowances
DescriptionRecords documenting the payment of allowances to employees. Includes overtime, first aid, clothing and travelling allowances.
AuthorityPROS 07/01 12.2.1
Examples of Records
Retain PermanentlyNo
Disposal ActionDestroy
Disposal TriggerLast action completed

Disposal Class ID
Disposal Class TitleStaff training course materials
DescriptionTraining material for courses run internally by the University (e.g. induction courses, graduate training and training of volunteers). Includes programs, lecture notes, hand-outs and films and videos. Includes records documenting the development of training courses.
AuthorityPROS 07/01 17.7.1 & PROS 07/01 17.7.2
Examples of Records
Retain PermanentlyNo
Disposal ActionDestroy
Disposal TriggerDate superseded

Disposal Class ID
Disposal Class TitleAdministrative arrangements for training courses (internal)
DescriptionRecords detailing administrative arrangements supporting the conduct of training courses run internally by the university. Includes processing instructions, venue bookings, hire of equipment, catering.
AuthorityPROS 07/01 17.7.3
Examples of Records
Retain PermanentlyNo
Disposal ActionDestroy
Disposal TriggerLast action completed

Disposal Class ID
Disposal Class TitleStaff development plans
DescriptionRecords documenting the development and implementation of both university-wide and business unit level staff development plans. Includes training plans. Includes individual staff development plans/Deakin Achieve plans.
AuthorityPROS 07/01 17.5.1 & PROS 07/01 17.5.2 & PROS 07/01 17.5.3
Examples of Records
Retain PermanentlyNo
Disposal ActionDestroy
Disposal TriggerLast action completed

Disposal Class ID
Disposal Class TitleSummary employment details
DescriptionSummary record documenting the employment details of all employees of the university. Details include name of employee, date of birth, dates of appointment and resignation, work history details; position titles and dates held; location of employment; rates of salary and allowances; summary superannuation record; summary leave record; summary discipline record.
AuthorityPROS 07/01 12.5.1
Examples of Records
Retain PermanentlyYes
Disposal ActionTransfer to local archive
Disposal TriggerLast action completed

Disposal Class ID
Disposal Class TitleConsolidated employment history
DescriptionRecords documenting the consolidated employment history of all ongoing and non-going employees from initial appointment to subsequent promotions; higher duties undertaken; and details of separation from the university.
AuthorityPROS 07/01 12.5.2
Examples of Records
Retain PermanentlyNo
Disposal ActionDestroy
Disposal TriggerDate closed

Disposal Class ID
Disposal Class TitleConsolidated employment history - staff exposed to hazard
DescriptionRecords documenting the consolidated employment history of all ongoing and non-ongoing staff who have had exposure to hazardous substances, including asbestos, or who were located at places identified as containing hazardous substances. The consolidated history includes initial appointment to subsequent promotions and details of higher duties undertaken. Includes executives. NOTE: If no summary record exists, these records are to be retained. For records relating to disciplinary action, use HUMAN RESOURCES MISCONDUCT. For records relating to leave, use HUMAN RESOURCES LEAVE.
AuthorityPROS 07/01 12.5.3
Examples of Records
Retain PermanentlyNo
Disposal ActionDestroy
Disposal TriggerDate closed

Disposal Class ID
Disposal Class TitleEmployment history - staff exposed to hazard
DescriptionRecords which are not part of a consolidated employment history and document personnel (including employees, volunteers etc.) who have had exposure to hazardous substances, including asbestos, or who were located at places identified as containing hazardous substances.
AuthorityPROS 07/01 12.5.6
Examples of Records
Retain PermanentlyNo
Disposal ActionDestroy
Disposal TriggerDate closed

Disposal Class ID
Disposal Class TitleExpunging of personal information
DescriptionRecords relating to cases where a request has been made under Section 39 of the FOI Act 1982 for the expunging of personal information from an individual's consolidated employment record. Note: separate application must be made to PROV for expunging of personal information not related to the consolidated employment record, or records classified as Permanent.
AuthorityPROS 07/01 12.5.7
Examples of Records
Retain PermanentlyNo
Disposal ActionDestroy
Disposal TriggerDate closed

Disposal Class ID
Disposal Class TitleTravel arrangements
DescriptionRecords documenting arrangements for an employee to undertake a journey or trip for work related reasons. Includes arrangements for obtaining official passports and visas.
AuthorityPROS 07/01 12.17.1
Examples of Records
Retain PermanentlyNo
Disposal ActionDestroy
Disposal TriggerLast action completed

Disposal Class ID
Disposal Class TitleVolunteers and work experience placement engagement
DescriptionRecords documenting the engagement of volunteers and students undertaking work experience placements. Includes personal details and agreed undertakings relating to conditions of engagement and details of work performed.
AuthorityPROS 07/01 12.5.5
Examples of Records
Retain PermanentlyNo
Disposal ActionDestroy
Disposal TriggerLast action completed

Disposal Class ID
Disposal Class TitleRequests for access to or correction of personal information
DescriptionRecords associated with requests made in relation to access to or correction of personal information held by the University.
AuthorityPROS 07/01 9.9.3
Examples of Records
Retain PermanentlyNo
Disposal ActionDestroy
Disposal TriggerLast action completed

Disposal Class ID
Disposal Class TitleDisputed access to information
DescriptionRecords documenting disputed access to information in the University's business and information systems that does not involve the application of legislation such as FOI, privacy or records legislation or legislation specific to the University.
Authoritymelb uni has this as a "university business requirement"
Examples of Records
Retain PermanentlyYes
Disposal Action
Disposal TriggerLast action completed

Disposal Class ID
Disposal Class TitleUnsdisputed access to information
DescriptionRecords documenting access to information in University business and information systems that does not involve the application of legislation specific to the University.
Authoritymelb uni has this as a "university business requirement"
Examples of Records
Retain PermanentlyNo
Disposal ActionDestroy
Disposal TriggerLast action completed

Disposal Class ID
Disposal Class TitleRecordkeeping compliance audits
DescriptionRecords associated with audits carried out to check compliance with recordkeeping policies, procedures and systems; and to investigate any breaches. For records relating to financial audits see FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT Audit.
AuthorityPROS 07/01 9.2.1
Examples of Records
Retain PermanentlyNo
Disposal ActionDestroy
Disposal TriggerLast action completed

Disposal Class ID
Disposal Class TitleRecordkeeping systems - master control records
DescriptionMaster control records for university recordkeeping systems: includes registers, indexes, configuration manuals and records management systems. See also TECHNOLOGY AND APPLICATIONS CONTROL.
AuthorityPROS 07/01 9.4.1
Examples of Records
Retain PermanentlyYes
Disposal ActionTransfer to local archive
Disposal TriggerLast action completed

Disposal Class ID
Disposal Class TitleRecords management tools
DescriptionMaster copy of file classification systems or the Universitys business classification schemes. Includes records management procedures such as document titling protocols.
AuthorityPROS 07/01 9.4.2
Examples of Records
Retain PermanentlyYes
Disposal ActionTransfer to local archive
Disposal TriggerLast action completed

Disposal Class ID
Disposal Class TitleRecords disposal and transfer
DescriptionInformation, documents and records relating to activities involved in the destruction or transfer of records to IRS, and the program of activities to facilitate the orderly transfer of semi-active and inactive records from current office space into storage. Includes interactions with the Public Record Office Victoria (PROV).Consignment ListsNotification ofDestruction to PROVForms
AuthorityPROS 07/01 9.6.6
Examples of Records
Retain PermanentlyNo
Disposal ActionDestroy
Disposal TriggerLast action completed

Disposal Class ID
Disposal Class TitleRecords storage
DescriptionInformation, documents and records associated with the on-site and off-site storage of the Universitys records.
AuthorityPROS 07/01 9.11.2
Examples of Records
Retain PermanentlyNo
Disposal ActionDestroy
Disposal TriggerLast action completed

Disposal Class ID
Disposal Class TitleFreedom of Information (FOI) requests resulting in procedural change
DescriptionRecords documenting FOI requests that set a precedent in how to handle FOI requests. Also includes FOI requests, which lead to a change in how the University operates (e.g. changes to university policy or processes).
AuthorityPROS 07/01 9.7.1
Examples of Records
Retain PermanentlyYes
Disposal ActionTransfer to local archive
Disposal TriggerLast action completed

Disposal Class ID
Disposal Class TitleFreedom of Information (FOI) requests
DescriptionRecords documenting FOI requests that require a detailed response from the university. Includes records for requests that are retrieved, withdrawn, or not proceeded with.
AuthorityPROS 07/01 9.7.2 & PROS 07/01 9.7.3
Examples of Records
Retain PermanentlyNo
Disposal ActionDestroy
Disposal TriggerLast action completed

Disposal Class ID
Disposal Class TitleIntellectual property management
DescriptionRecords documenting the establishment and management of intellectual property either held or administered by the University. Includes records documenting the unsuccessful establishment of intellectual property.
AuthorityPROS 07/01 10.3.1 & PROS 07/01 10.3.2
Examples of Records
Retain PermanentlyNo
Disposal ActionDestroy
Disposal Triggercontract expiration or other termination

Disposal Class ID
Disposal Class TitleCopyright requests
DescriptionRequests from the public and other agencies for permission to reproduce either published or unpublished material in which the university retains copyright. Includes applications made by the University to reproduce published material held under copyright by another agency, organisation or individual.
AuthorityPROS 07/01 15.3.1 & PROS 07/01 15.3.2
Examples of Records
Retain PermanentlyNo
Disposal ActionDestroy
Disposal TriggerLast action completed

Disposal Class ID
Disposal Class TitlePrivacy breaches, complaints, and requests for access
DescriptionThe records associated with complaints made concerning breaches of the Information Privacy Act 2000. Includes records resolved both by the University and those referred to the Office of the Victorian Privacy Commissioner.
AuthorityPROS 07/01 9.9.1 & PROS 07/01 9.9.2
Examples of Records
Retain PermanentlyNo
Disposal ActionDestroy
Disposal TriggerLast action completed

Disposal Class ID
Disposal Class TitleUniversity publications
DescriptionOne copy each of the University's primary publications (including web publications but excluding websites) which have not been lodged with the State Library of Victoria in compliance with the Libraries Act 1988.
AuthorityPROS 07/01 15.2.1
Examples of Records
Retain PermanentlyYes
Disposal ActionTransfer to local archive
Disposal TriggerLast action completed

Disposal Class ID
Disposal Class TitleCommissioned photographs
DescriptionMaster set of commissioned photographs and moving images on University activities.
AuthorityPROS 07/01 15.1.1
Examples of Records
Retain PermanentlyYes
Disposal ActionTransfer to local archive
Disposal TriggerLast action completed

Disposal Class ID
Disposal Class TitleProduction preparation
DescriptionRecords documenting the production process including design, layout, printing, binding, corporate style guide, etc.
AuthorityPROS 07/01 15.7.1
Examples of Records
Retain PermanentlyNo
Disposal ActionDestroy
Disposal TriggerLast action completed

Disposal Class ID
Disposal Class TitleChanges to website content
DescriptionRecords documenting changes to content on a University website. Includes records of the approval process.
AuthorityPROS 07/01 15.7.2
Examples of Records
Retain PermanentlyNo
Disposal ActionDestroy
Disposal TriggerLast action completed

Disposal Class ID
Disposal Class TitleRecords management system security planning and classification data
DescriptionRecords relating to the physical security arrangements for records management systems. Records associated with establishing and assigning security levels and caveats within records management systems.
AuthorityPROS 07/01 9.10.1 & PROS 07/01 9.10.2
Examples of Records
Retain PermanentlyNo
Disposal ActionDestroy
Disposal TriggerLast action completed

Disposal Class ID
Disposal Class TitleAdvice (major)
DescriptionRecords documenting requests for and legal advice received from an internal or external legal service provider relating to: matters of major public interest or controversy, new or amended University legislation, or University-wide industrial issues.
AuthorityPROS 07/01 10.1.1
Examples of Records
Retain PermanentlyYes
Disposal ActionTransfer to local archive
Disposal TriggerLast action completed

Disposal Class ID
Disposal Class TitleAdvice (minor)
DescriptionRecords documenting requests for and legal advice received from an internal or external legal provider that relate to matters of minor public interest or controversy and do not relate to new or amended university legislation.
AuthorityPROS 07/01 10.1.2
Examples of Records
Retain PermanentlyNo
Disposal ActionDestroy
Disposal TriggerLast action completed

Disposal Class ID
Disposal Class TitleSummary record of contracts and agreements
DescriptionSummary records for all contracts and agreements managed by the university. Includes contract registers and systems.
AuthorityPROS 07/01 3.3.1
Examples of Records
Retain PermanentlyYes
Disposal ActionTransfer to local archive
Disposal TriggerLast action completed

Disposal Class ID
Disposal Class TitleSignificant contracts and agreements
DescriptionRecords of contracts and agreements for significant University commitments, such as large-scale infrastructure projects and partnerships. Includes agreements related to the commercialisation of intellectual property or are of major significance to the University. Includes records documenting the development, formulation and execution of agreements. Absent other metrics, contracts over $150K (as per the Financial Management Act) can be considered significant.
AuthorityPROS 07/01 3.3.2
Examples of Records
Retain PermanentlyYes
Disposal ActionTransfer to local archive
Disposal Triggercontract expiration or other termination

Disposal Class ID
Disposal Class TitleRoutine contracts and agreements
DescriptionRecords of contracts for smaller-scale activities which are under seal (specialty contracts). Includes records associated with the negotiation process, excluding tender records. Includes contracts under seal and not under seal. Absent other metrics, contracts under $150K (as per the Financial Management Act) can be considered routine.
AuthorityPROS 07/01 3.3.3 & PROS 07/01 3.3.4
Examples of Records
Retain PermanentlyNo
Disposal ActionDestroy
Disposal Triggercontract expiration or other termination

Disposal Class ID
Disposal Class TitleCompensation records
DescriptionRecords of claims for damage to property made by University employees or members of the public. See also PROPERTY MANAGEMENT Accidents, Damage and Illegal Entry
AuthorityPROS 07/01 10.2.1
Examples of Records
Retain PermanentlyNo
Disposal ActionDestroy
Disposal TriggerLast action completed

Disposal Class ID
Disposal Class TitleLitigation leading to change in policy
DescriptionRecords documenting litigation matters involving the University where legal precedents are set or lead to a change in University policies, or lead to the establishment or abolition of departments or centres.
AuthorityPROS 07/01 10.4.1 & PROS 07/01 10.4.3
Examples of Records
Retain PermanentlyYes
Disposal ActionTransfer to local archive
Disposal TriggerLast action completed

Disposal Class ID
Disposal Class TitleLitigation not leading to change in policy
DescriptionRecords documenting litigation matters that do not set legal precedent, nor lead to a change in any university-wide policies. Includes records documenting the legal discovery process.
AuthorityPROS 07/01 10.4.2 & PROS 07/01 10.4.3
Examples of Records
Retain PermanentlyNo
Disposal ActionDestroy
Disposal TriggerLast action completed

Disposal Class ID
Disposal Class TitleUniversity statutes and regulations
DescriptionRecords relating to the development of legislation and regulations concerning the operations and functions of the University. Includes drafting instructions, draft legislation, regulation and amendments, submissions to the Minister, reports, comments received from other agencies.
AuthorityPROS 07/01 7.7.2
Examples of Records
Retain PermanentlyYes
Disposal ActionTransfer to local archive
Disposal TriggerLast action completed

Disposal Class ID
Disposal Class TitleWhisteblower & protected disclosure
DescriptionInvestigations into disclosures made under the Whistle blowers Protection Act 2001 (Vic) and/or the Protected Disclosure Act 2012 (Vic)
AuthorityPROS 07/01 10.6.1
Examples of Records
Retain PermanentlyYes
Disposal ActionTransfer to local archive
Disposal TriggerLast action completed

Disposal Class ID
Disposal Class TitleAcquisition and disposal records
DescriptionRecords relating to the acquisition and/or disposal of property. Includes legal documents relating to a purchase / sale; particulars of sale documents; board of survey; licenses & rental revision; tender documents; conditions of contracts; certificates of approval. For records relating to the leasing of property, use PROPERTY MANAGEMENT LEASE & HIRE MANAGEMENT.
AuthorityPROS 07/01 14.2.1 & PROS 07/01 14.5.1
Examples of Records
Retain PermanentlyYes
Disposal ActionTransfer to local archive
Disposal TriggerLast action completed

Disposal Class ID
Disposal Class TitleAcquisition not proceeded with
DescriptionRecords documenting the negotiations for properties where the acquisition was not proceeded with.
AuthorityPROS 07/01 14.2.3
Examples of Records
Retain PermanentlyNo
Disposal ActionDestroy
Disposal TriggerLast action completed

Disposal Class ID
Disposal Class TitleConservation of properties
DescriptionRecords documenting the activities involved in the preservation, protection, restoration and enhancement of properties.
AuthorityPROS 07/01 14.3.1
Examples of Records
Retain PermanentlyNo
Disposal ActionDestroy
Disposal TriggerDate closed

Disposal Class ID
Disposal Class TitleConservation of culturally significant properties
DescriptionRecords documenting the activities involved in the preservation, protection, restoration, enhancement, fitting out and renovation of properties owned, leased or managed by the university that are identified as having local significance within a municipal heritage study. Excludes records of properties identified on the World Heritage Register, the Register of the National Estate, or the Victorian Heritage Register.
AuthorityPROS 07/01 14.3.2
Examples of Records
Retain PermanentlyYes
Disposal ActionTransfer to local archive
Disposal TriggerLast action completed

Disposal Class ID
Disposal Class TitleConstruction and renovation (university properties)
DescriptionRecords documenting construction and renovation activities carried out on university owned properties. Includes 'as built' construction plans. See also PROPERTY MANAGEMENT ACQUISITION & DISPOSAL.
AuthorityPROS 07/01 14.4.1
Examples of Records
Retain PermanentlyYes
Disposal ActionTransfer to local archive
Disposal TriggerLast action completed

Disposal Class ID
Disposal Class TitleConstruction and renovation (not proceeded with)
DescriptionRecords documenting construction and renovation activities for properties that are not proceeded with.
AuthorityPROS 07/01 14.4.3
Examples of Records
Retain PermanentlyNo
Disposal ActionDestroy
Disposal TriggerLast action completed

Disposal Class ID
Disposal Class TitleOUTS-Fit-outs (asbestos present)
DescriptionRecords documenting fit-outs of properties where no asbestos was present.
AuthorityPROS 07/01 14.6.1
Examples of Records
Retain PermanentlyNo
Disposal ActionDestroy
Disposal TriggerDate closed

Disposal Class ID
Disposal Class TitleOUTS-Fit-outs (no asbestos present)
DescriptionRecords documenting fit-outs of properties where asbestos was present.
AuthorityPROS 07/01 14.6.2
Examples of Records
Retain PermanentlyNo
Disposal ActionDestroy
Disposal TriggerLast action completed

Disposal Class ID
Disposal Class TitleHazardous substances management
DescriptionInformation, documents and records relating to the removal and disposal of hazardous materials (including asbestos) from the fabric of the building. This includes identification and restoration of contaminated land.Includes:- Hazardous waste removal permits;- Asbestos removal permits;- Hazardous substance registers;
AuthorityPROS 07/01 14.11.4
Examples of Records
Retain PermanentlyYes
Disposal ActionTransfer to local archive
Disposal TriggerLast action completed

Disposal Class ID
Disposal Class TitleEquipment installation in properties
DescriptionRecords documenting installation of equipment (e.g. heating, plumbing, air-conditioning, security equipment and cabling) in properties. Includes arranging installations and location details.
AuthorityPROS 07/01 14.7.1
Examples of Records
Retain PermanentlyNo
Disposal ActionDestroy
Disposal TriggerLast action completed

Disposal Class ID
Disposal Class TitleEquipment installation in properties for public use
DescriptionRecords documenting the installation of equipment intended for exclusive or extensive use by the public.
AuthorityPROS 07/01 14.7.2
Examples of Records
Retain PermanentlyNo
Disposal ActionDestroy
Disposal TriggerDate closed

Disposal Class ID
Disposal Class TitlePolicies, claims, and renewals
DescriptionRecords of insurance policies including property insurance and public liability insurance.
AuthorityPROS 07/01 14.8.1 & PROS 07/01 14.8.2 & PROS 07/01 14.8.3
Examples of Records
Retain PermanentlyNo
Disposal ActionDestroy
Disposal Triggercontract expiration or other termination

Disposal Class ID
Disposal Class TitleLeasing, leasing-out, and facility hire
DescriptionRecords documenting the leasing by the agency of property belonging to another organisation, as well as records relating to the leasing-out of premises belonging to the university. Includes:- space and accommodation assessments; - negotiations; - cost-benefit analysis; - assessments; - signed leases; and any administrative arrangements supporting the lease process.
AuthorityPROS 07/01 14.9.1 & PROS 07/01 14.9.2 & PROS 07/01 14.10.1 & PROS 07/01 14.10.2
Examples of Records
Retain PermanentlyNo
Disposal ActionDestroy
Disposal Triggercontract expiration or other termination

Disposal Class ID
Disposal Class TitleMaintenance and repairs
DescriptionRecords documenting routine upkeep, repair and maintenance activities, e.g. cleaning, painting, grounds maintenance and electrical maintenance.Includes records documenting:- Maintenance of cooling tower systems;- Non-toxic waste management;- Structural maintenance;- Pest control
AuthorityPROS 07/01 14.11.1 & PROS 07/01 14.11.9
Examples of Records
Retain PermanentlyNo
Disposal ActionDestroy
Disposal TriggerLast action completed

Disposal Class ID
Disposal Class TitleMajor repairs proceeding disaster
DescriptionRecords documenting major repairs made to properties after a disaster, e.g. fire, floods etc.
AuthorityPROS 07/01 14.11.3
Examples of Records
Retain PermanentlyNo
Disposal ActionDestroy
Disposal TriggerDate closed

Disposal Class ID
Disposal Class TitleDisaster prevention planning
DescriptionRecords documenting the devising of disaster plans for disasters such as fire and floods to property both leased and owned
AuthorityPROS 07/01 14.14.1
Examples of Records
Retain PermanentlyNo
Disposal ActionDestroy
Disposal TriggerDate superseded

Disposal Class ID
Disposal Class TitleProperty and worksite management planning
DescriptionRecords documenting the devising of plans (other than disaster plans) relating to property management. Includes plans devised for the management of worksites during renovation and other maintenance activities.
AuthorityPROS 07/01 14.14.2
Examples of Records
Retain PermanentlyNo
Disposal ActionDestroy
Disposal TriggerLast action completed

Disposal Class ID
Disposal Class TitleRoads and carparks management
DescriptionIncludes records documenting:- Infringements- Maintenance- Management
AuthorityPROS 07/01 12.1.1 & PROS 07/01 12.1.5
Examples of Records
Retain PermanentlyNo
Disposal ActionDestroy
Disposal TriggerLast action completed

Disposal Class ID
Disposal Class TitleParking permits
DescriptionInformation, documents and records relating to the receipt and processing of applications for Council/University issued parking permits
AuthorityPROS 09/05 08.06.01
Examples of Records
Retain PermanentlyNo
Disposal ActionDestroy
Disposal TriggerLast action completed

Disposal Class ID
Disposal Class TitleSecurity adminitration
DescriptionRecords documenting the provision of security to guard property and equipment. Includes records of electronic security surveillance systems, security reports, rosters of patrol operations, restricted access areas.Includes records of accidents and damage occurring to property, including incidents of illegal entry which may result in damage and/or theft.
AuthorityPROS 07/01 14.15.1 & PROS 07/01 4.6.1 & PROS 07/01 14.1.1 & PROS 07/01 14.1.2
Examples of Records
Retain PermanentlyNo
Disposal ActionDestroy
Disposal TriggerLast action completed

Disposal Class ID
Disposal Class TitleSurveillance camera footage and images.
DescriptionSurveillance camera footage and images.
AuthorityPROS 07/01 14.15.2
Examples of Records
Retain PermanentlyNo
Disposal ActionDestroy
Disposal TriggerLast action completed

Disposal Class ID
Disposal Class TitleMoving records
DescriptionRecords relating to the moving of business activities from one property to another. Includes inventories, costings and removalist records.
AuthorityPROS 07/01 14.12.1
Examples of Records
Retain PermanentlyNo
Disposal ActionDestroy
Disposal TriggerLast action completed

Disposal Class ID
Disposal Class TitleSuccessful grant applications
DescriptionRecords documenting successful applications for grant funding for research, external fellowships and research scholarships. Includes selection outcome advice to applicants, criteria and grant conditions, funding arrangements, research reports, transferred and relinquished grants.
AuthorityPROS 07/01 2.11.2
Examples of Records
Retain PermanentlyNo
Disposal ActionDestroy
Disposal TriggerLast action completed

Disposal Class ID
Disposal Class TitleUnsuccessful grant applications
DescriptionRecords documenting unsuccessful applications for grant funding for research.
AuthorityPROS 07/01 2.11.3
Examples of Records
Retain PermanentlyNo
Disposal ActionDestroy
Disposal TriggerLast action completed

Disposal Class ID
Disposal Class TitleLicensing
DescriptionInformation, documents and records relating to the Universitys compliance with regulations surrounding research activities including laboratories and animal housing and collections/specimens. Includes Licenses, permits, registration renewals.For all other licensing requirements, see GOVERNANCE - LICENSING.
AuthorityPROS 16/07 & 04.03.01
Examples of Records
Retain PermanentlyNo
Disposal ActionDestroy
Disposal TriggerDate closed

Disposal Class ID
Disposal Class TitleSummary project records
DescriptionSummary records of research undertaken by the university. Includes title and type of research, names of the Chief Investigator and other researchers, funding details, and citations of outputs and publications related to the research.
AuthorityPROS 16/07 3.1.1
Examples of Records
Retain PermanentlyYes
Disposal ActionTransfer to local archive
Disposal TriggerLast action completed

Disposal Class ID
Disposal Class TitleIndividual project management/administration
DescriptionRecords relating to the management and administration of specific individual research projects. Includes the development of research methodologies and protocols, resourcing, development and reporting on ethics applications, results of experiments, progress reporting to internal or external bodies and arrangements for informal collaborative research links with outside organisations.
AuthorityPROS 16/07 3.1.2
Examples of Records
Retain PermanentlyNo
Disposal ActionDestroy
Disposal TriggerLast action completed

Disposal Class ID
Disposal Class TitleRecords of Higher Degree by Research (HDR) supervisors
DescriptionSummary record of supervisors of Higher Degree by Research candidates. Includes information about the supervisor, their areas of supervision, students, topics and qualifications they have supervised. For records relating to honorariums paid to supervisors use FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT.
AuthorityPROS 16/07 3.1.3
Examples of Records
Retain PermanentlyNo
Disposal ActionDestroy
Disposal TriggerDate superseded

Disposal Class ID
Disposal Class TitleEthics proposals, approvals, and amendments
DescriptionRecords of ethics proposals, approvals and amendments relating to research projects. Includes records of formal bodies established to consider ethics issues as required under the Australian Code for Responsible Conduct of Research and associated National Statements, Guidelines and Codes.
AuthorityPROS 16/07 3.1.4
Examples of Records
Retain PermanentlyYes
Disposal ActionTransfer to local archive
Disposal TriggerLast action completed

Disposal Class ID
Disposal Class TitleSummary record of research data
DescriptionSummary record of data created as part of research activities within the University. Includes information about the nature and type of data, principal researchers or investigators, how long the data is to be retained, location and format of data and any conditions around access or reuse of the data.
AuthorityPROS 16/07 3.3.1
Examples of Records
Retain PermanentlyYes
Disposal ActionTransfer to local archive
Disposal TriggerLast action completed

Disposal Class ID
Disposal Class TitleDatasets of regulatory or community-wide significance
DescriptionData and datasets created as part of research activities which are of regulatory or community significance. Includes data that is: part of genetic research, including gene therapy; controversial or of high public interest; costly or impossible to reproduce; relates to the use of an innovative technique for the first time; of significant community or heritage value to the state or nation; or required by funding or other agreements to be retained permanently.
AuthorityPROS 16/07 3.3.2
Examples of Records
Retain PermanentlyYes
Disposal ActionTransfer to local archive
Disposal TriggerLast action completed

Disposal Class ID
Disposal Class TitleDatasets created from clinical trials
DescriptionData and datasets created from clinical trials as part of research activities within the University.
AuthorityPROS 16/07 3.3.3
Examples of Records
Retain PermanentlyNo
Disposal ActionDestroy
Disposal TriggerLast action completed

Disposal Class ID
Disposal Class TitleDatasets related to research involving minors
DescriptionData and datasets created as part of research activities within the University, which involve minors.
AuthorityPROS 16/07 3.3.4
Examples of Records
Retain PermanentlyNo
Disposal ActionDestroy
Disposal TriggerLast action completed

Disposal Class ID
Disposal Class TitleDatasets not involving clinical trials or minors
DescriptionData and datasets for which there are no additional regulatory requirements, and did not involve clinical trials, gene therapy or children.
AuthorityPROS 16/07 3.3.5
Examples of Records
Retain PermanentlyNo
Disposal ActionDestroy
Disposal TriggerLast action completed

Disposal Class ID
Disposal Class TitleResearch outputs of major significance
DescriptionResearch outputs that disseminate the findings of research where the research outcomes: Report on projects having potential major or long term impact on the environment, heritage, society, the economy or human health; have major national or international significance; are controversial, of high public interest or the subject of widespread debate in the public arena; report on using innovative or experimental research techniques for the first time; or are required by legislation or project agreements to be retained permanently.
AuthorityPROS 16/07 3.2.1
Examples of Records
Retain PermanentlyYes
Disposal ActionTransfer to local archive
Disposal TriggerLast action completed

Disposal Class ID
Disposal Class TitleResearch outputs of less significance
DescriptionResearch outputs that disseminate the findings of university projects where the outcomes do not conform to the requirements of disposal class 18.3.1.
AuthorityPROS 16/07 3.2.2
Examples of Records
Retain PermanentlyNo
Disposal ActionDestroy
Disposal TriggerLast action completed

Disposal Class ID
Disposal Class TitleSpecimen management
DescriptionRecords relating to the management of specimens obtained from humans for teaching or research purposes. Includes records documenting the use of human cadavers and body parts and all bio specimens including tissue, blood, genes and organs. Also includes records of the consent obtained from the participants.Includes records relating to managing Genetically Modified Organisms (GMO) or other material requiring biosafety provisions, which do not go through the Laboratory and Biosafety Committee or equivalent, while being used in specific research projects. Includes applications and assessments of Notifiable Low Risk Dealings (NLRDs), ongoing management of biosafety material and records of inspections of certified GMO facilities.Includes records documenting the management and care of animals in the university's custody, as required under the Australian Code for the Care and Use of Animals for Scientific Purposes, the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Act and Regulations and associated codes of practice. Includes information about the acquisition of animals, scientific procedures or research projects using animals, number and species of animals held, number and species of animals removed from the premises or destroyed, and records of any breeding conducted.
AuthorityPROS 16/07 3.4.2 & PROS 16/07 3.4.3 & PROS 16/07 3.4.4 & PROS 16/07 3.4.5
Examples of Records
Retain PermanentlyNo
Disposal ActionDestroy
Disposal TriggerDate closed

Disposal Class ID
Disposal Class TitleAcademic progress reviews
DescriptionFormal and informal review records of a students academic progress that are not included in committee records. Includes both instances where the student is permitted to continue in their course without penalties or sanctions (including temporary suspension) applied, as well as instances where students are ultimately expelled.
AuthorityPROS 16/07 1.4.2 & PROS 16/07 1.4.1
Examples of Records
Retain PermanentlyNo
Disposal ActionDestroy
Disposal TriggerLast action completed

Disposal Class ID
Disposal Class TitleApplications documentation
DescriptionAdmissions, applications and selection to a course or program of study regardless of outcome. Includes application forms, prior results, portfolios, immigration clearances, police clearances, and records created during the selection process.
AuthorityPROS 16/07 1.1.1
Examples of Records
Retain PermanentlyNo
Disposal ActionDestroy
Disposal TriggerLast action completed

Disposal Class ID
Disposal Class TitleEnrolments documentation
DescriptionRecords documenting the enrolment or re-enrolment of individual students. Includes records relating to international and domestic students administrative progress through the university, covering matters such as leave of absence, deferment, withdrawals, enrolment variations and issues with eligibility for enrolment such as visa breaches. Includes applications for credit/advanced standing/recognition of prior learning (RPL).See also STUDENT ADMINISTRATION COMPLETIONS & GRADUATIONS.
AuthorityPROS 16/07 1.1.2 & PROS 16/07 1.1.3
Examples of Records
Retain PermanentlyNo
Disposal ActionDestroy
Disposal TriggerLast action completed

Disposal Class ID
Disposal Class TitleHealth information
DescriptionDisclosure of health information to the University, other than information provided to the health service. Includes health information provided prior to attending work placements, excursions or study tours. For records relating to health services see CAMPUS AND SUPPORT SERVICES - Counselling and Health Services.
AuthorityPROS 16/07 1.1.5
Examples of Records
Retain PermanentlyNo
Disposal ActionDestroy
Disposal TriggerLast action completed

Disposal Class ID
Disposal Class TitleSummary student record
DescriptionSummary record confirming details of all students who are awarded a qualification in AQF Levels 1-10 (includes courses from Certificates to Doctoral degrees). Includes student records for non-award courses.
AuthorityPROS 16/07 1.6.1 (AQF Levels 5 10) & PROS 16/07 1.6.2 (AQF Levels 1 4)
Examples of Records
Retain PermanentlyYes
Disposal ActionTransfer to local archive
Disposal TriggerLast action completed

Disposal Class ID
Disposal Class TitleApprovals to graduate
DescriptionRecords of determination of a students eligibility to graduate, notification of approval to the student and graduation arrangements.
AuthorityPROS 16/07 1.6.4
Examples of Records
Retain PermanentlyNo
Disposal ActionDestroy
Disposal TriggerLast action completed

Disposal Class ID
Disposal Class TitleTestamurs and testamur management
DescriptionRecords associated with the reissue of testamurs and requests for replacements and copies of academic transcripts, verification of qualifications, AHEG Statements and statements/letters re academic completion.Uncollected or unclaimed testamurs and certificates of completion.
AuthorityPROS 16/07 1.6.5 & PROS 16/07 1.6.6
Examples of Records
Retain PermanentlyNo
Disposal ActionDestroy
Disposal TriggerLast action completed

Disposal Class ID
Disposal Class TitleQualification templates
DescriptionFinal versions of templates used to produce testamurs, transcripts, AHEGS and other statements of completion over time.
AuthorityPROS 16/07 1.6.7
Examples of Records
Retain PermanentlyYes
Disposal ActionTransfer to local archive
Disposal TriggerLast action completed

Disposal Class ID
Disposal Class TitleManagement of study tours
DescriptionManagement of study tours conducted at the University. Includes student selection for tours, administrative arrangements, insurance arrangements and any changes to the tour. Includes successful application, selection and management of students participating in an exchange or study abroad program. Includes administrative arrangements for managing the students while on exchange, including any pre-checks required, arranging or confirming flights and accommodation, insurance arrangements, approved study plans and any changes to the exchange. See also TEACHING COURSE DELIVERY.
AuthorityPROS 16/07 1.3.3 & PROS 16/07 1.3.1
Examples of Records
Retain PermanentlyNo
Disposal ActionDestroy
Disposal TriggerLast action completed

Disposal Class ID
Disposal Class TitleGrievances and misconduct
DescriptionRecords documenting grievances and misconduct allegations made against students. Includes both instances where students are expelled, as well as where lesser penalties are imposed but no expulsion takes place. Includes records of the investigation undertaken and outcome documentation.
AuthorityPROS 16/07 1.5.1 & PROS 16/07 1.5.2
Examples of Records
Retain PermanentlyNo
Disposal ActionDestroy
Disposal TriggerLast action completed

Disposal Class ID
Disposal Class TitleGrievances and misconduct allegations not proven
DescriptionGrievances and any misconduct allegations where the allegations are not proven. Includes allegations that are proven to be frivolous or vexatious, or unfounded. Note: re Academic Integrity Warnings Register - warnings to be destroyed only after 7 years if no action taken (Academic Board 3/2013)
AuthorityPROS 16/07 1.5.3
Examples of Records
Retain PermanentlyNo
Disposal ActionDestroy
Disposal TriggerLast action completed

Disposal Class ID
Disposal Class TitleManagement of internal prizes and scholarships
DescriptionDevelopment, establishment and awarding of internal prizes and scholarships. Includes establishment of eligibility criteria for the prize/scholarship and any conditions attached, and summary record of recipients of prizes and scholarships.
AuthorityPROS 16/07 1.2.1
Examples of Records
Retain PermanentlyYes
Disposal ActionTransfer to local archive
Disposal TriggerLast action completed

Disposal Class ID
Disposal Class TitleSuccessful applications for prizes and scholarships
DescriptionSuccessful applications for prizes/scholarships; and the delivery of the prize/scholarship to successful recipient(s).
AuthorityPROS 16/07 1.2.3
Examples of Records
Retain PermanentlyNo
Disposal ActionDestroy
Disposal TriggerLast action completed

Disposal Class ID
Disposal Class TitleUnsuccessful applications for prizes and scholarships
DescriptionUnsuccessful applications and nominations for prizes/scholarships.
AuthorityPROS 16/07 1.2.4
Examples of Records
Retain PermanentlyNo
Disposal ActionDestroy
Disposal TriggerLast action completed

Disposal Class ID
Disposal Class TitleResident records
DescriptionRecords documenting the registration of residents in accommodation managed by the university. Includes registration of both ongoing and short-term residents, such as for conferences and residential camps.
AuthorityPROS 16/07 5.1.2
Examples of Records
Retain PermanentlyNo
Disposal ActionDestroy
Disposal TriggerLast action completed

Disposal Class ID
Disposal Class TitleAccommodation applications
DescriptionApplications for accommodation managed by the university, including records of successful and unsuccessful applicants, including any required checks, and associated records such as waiting lists.
AuthorityPROS 16/07 5.1.4 see VAR.1 below
Examples of Records
Retain PermanentlyNo
Disposal ActionDestroy
Disposal TriggerLast action completed

Disposal Class ID
Disposal Class TitleOperational records
DescriptionRecords documenting management of the daily operations of accommodation managed by the university, including the management of guests or visitors and the allocation of rooms, facilities or services to individuals.
AuthorityPROS 16/07 5.1.3 see VAR.1 below
Examples of Records
Retain PermanentlyNo
Disposal ActionDestroy
Disposal TriggerLast action completed

Disposal Class ID
Disposal Class TitleHomestay agreements
DescriptionRecords documenting the establishment and maintenance of individual homestay agreements, when the institution acts as the homestay agent
AuthorityPROS 16/07 5.1.1
Examples of Records
Retain PermanentlyNo
Disposal ActionDestroy
Disposal Triggercontract expiration or other termination

Disposal Class ID
Disposal Class TitleServices management
DescriptionRecords relating to the ongoing management of childcare services by the university
AuthorityPROS 09/05 4.6.8
Examples of Records
Retain PermanentlyNo
Disposal ActionDestroy
Disposal TriggerLast action completed

Disposal Class ID
Disposal Class TitleSummary placement records
DescriptionSummary records of the placement of children in childcare and early education services within Campus-based facilities.
AuthorityPROS 09/05 4.6.1
Examples of Records
Retain PermanentlyNo
Disposal ActionDestroy
Disposal TriggerDate created

Disposal Class ID
Disposal Class TitleEnrolment and development
DescriptionRecords of individual enrolment and development of children within childcare and early education services. Includes registration of child, reporting on child progress, and attendance and assessment records.
AuthorityPROS 09/05 4.6.2
Examples of Records
Retain PermanentlyNo
Disposal ActionDestroy
Disposal TriggerLast action completed

Disposal Class ID
Disposal Class TitleCurriculum development
DescriptionRecords relating to curriculum development for children attending childcare and early education services.
AuthorityPROS 09/05 4.6.3
Examples of Records
Retain PermanentlyNo
Disposal ActionDestroy
Disposal TriggerLast action completed

Disposal Class ID
Disposal Class TitleAdministration of medications
DescriptionRecords relating to the administrating of medication to children enrolled in childcare and early education services
Examples of Records
Retain PermanentlyNo
Disposal ActionDestroy
Disposal TriggerLast action completed

Disposal Class ID
Disposal Class TitleOrientation and transition
DescriptionRecords documenting transition and orientation activities and programs designed to provide new and existing students with the opportunity to become familiar with the institution, meet other students and prepare for study. Includes parental permission records for attendees under the age of 18.
AuthorityPROS 16/07 5.3.1 & PROS 16/07 5.3.2
Examples of Records
Retain PermanentlyNo
Disposal ActionDestroy
Disposal TriggerLast action completed

Disposal Class ID
Disposal Class TitleAdministrative arrangements
DescriptionRecords relating to the administrative arrangements for events including invitations, acceptances, guest lists, catering, venue.
AuthorityPROS 07/01 2.2.1
Examples of Records
Retain PermanentlyNo
Disposal ActionDestroy
Disposal TriggerLast action completed

Disposal Class ID
Disposal Class TitleUniversity health services
DescriptionRecords documenting treatment and care of patients attending university health services.
AuthorityPROS 11/06 2.3.3
Examples of Records
Retain PermanentlyNo
Disposal Action
Disposal TriggerLast action completed

Disposal Class ID
Disposal Class TitleFacility and membership administration
DescriptionRecords documenting sports and recreation facility membership, registration and management. Includes pre-membership health checks, new member applications and membership renewals. Includes records documenting specific fitness/training programs developed for individual members of the facility.
AuthorityPROS 16/07 5.4.1
Examples of Records
Retain PermanentlyNo
Disposal ActionDestroy
Disposal TriggerLast action completed

Disposal Class ID
Disposal Class TitleProgram administration
DescriptionRecords documenting group activities and programs provided to users of sports and recreation facilities and the scheduling of events and classes at facilities. Includes development, administration, delivery and evaluation of programs, class timetables and bookings for use of the facility.
AuthorityPROS 16/07 5.4.2
Examples of Records
Retain PermanentlyNo
Disposal ActionDestroy
Disposal TriggerLast action completed

Disposal Class ID
Disposal Class TitleEvent participation
DescriptionRecords documenting participation by the university in international, national and state-wide sporting and recreation events and competitions not organised by the university. Includes team registration, provision of gear and uniforms, any travel support or funding provided and competition results.
AuthorityPROS 16/07 5.4.3
Examples of Records
Retain PermanentlyNo
Disposal ActionDestroy
Disposal TriggerLast action completed

Disposal Class ID
Disposal Class TitleClubs and societies management
DescriptionRecords documenting the registration and formal affiliation of clubs and societies with the University, when affiliated directly with the university. Includes summary of clubs and societies affiliated over time, and aims/objectives of the club or society. Includes records documenting Deakin's relationship management efforts with these organisations.Does not include records of clubs and societies who are affiliated with the student association rather than the institution direct. NOTE that while these records are not required as State Archives, they will be accepted into the University Archives collection.
AuthorityPROS 16/07 5.6.1 & PROS 16/07 5.6.2
Examples of Records
Retain PermanentlyNo
Disposal ActionTransfer to local archive
Disposal Triggercontract expiration or other termination

Disposal Class ID
Disposal Class TitleStudent support records
DescriptionRecords documenting the provision of support to current students to ensure they can complete their studies. Includes:- Individual academic support- Financial support- Disability/special needs support.For records of financial assistance provided by government assistance schemes such as HECS and FEE-HELP use STUDENT ADMINISTRATION. For financial records documenting the support provided use FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT. Variants: Short Courses, Workshops
AuthorityPROS 16/07 5.5.1 5
Examples of Records
Retain PermanentlyNo
Disposal ActionDestroy
Disposal TriggerLast action completed

Disposal Class ID
Disposal Class TitleAdvice (generic)
DescriptionRecords documenting the development and provision of general advice (academic and non-academic) provided in a group or generic setting. Includes group workshops, seminars and events designed to increase student knowledge about services offered and options available. Includes advice provided by student service centres. See also LEGAL SERVICES - ADVICE.
AuthorityPROS 16/07 5.2.2
Examples of Records
Retain PermanentlyNo
Disposal ActionDestroy
Disposal TriggerDate superseded

Disposal Class ID
Disposal Class TitleAdvice (tailored/specific)
DescriptionRecords documenting the provision of tailored advice to individual students regarding both academic and non-academic options available. Variants: Resume Checking, Course Advice, Career Planning Advice, Advocacy, and Financial Advice, Mentoring Programs (staff and student, Chaplaincy Services)
AuthorityPROS 16/07 5.2.1
Examples of Records
Retain PermanentlyNo
Disposal ActionDestroy
Disposal TriggerLast action completed

Disposal Class ID
Disposal Class TitleIntermediary facilitation
DescriptionRecords documenting intermediary services provided by the institution, where the institution acts as a link between the student and external opportunities, but has no further role. Includes employment databases, registers and job listings, and external housing opportunities.
AuthorityPROS 16/07 5.2.3
Examples of Records
Retain PermanentlyNo
Disposal ActionDestroy
Disposal TriggerDate superseded

Disposal Class ID
Disposal Class TitleSummary record of results
DescriptionSummary record of finalised results obtained by students for courses in AQF levels 1-10, as well as non-award courses. Includes results for specific subjects, units or modules, as well as final course results.
AuthorityPROS 16/07 2.3.1 & PROS 16/07 2.3.2 & PROS 16/07 2.3.3
Examples of Records
Retain PermanentlyYes
Disposal ActionTransfer to local archive
Disposal TriggerLast action completed

Disposal Class ID
Disposal Class TitleMaster copy of assessment material
DescriptionMaster copy of approved assessment and examination material. Includes examinations, assignments, workbooks, tests, class presentation tasks, practical assessments etc.
AuthorityPROS 16/07 2.3.4
Examples of Records
Retain PermanentlyYes
Disposal ActionTransfer to local archive
Disposal TriggerLast action completed

Disposal Class ID
Disposal Class TitleDevelopment of assessment material
DescriptionDrafting and development of all assessment material, including development of exam and assignment questions, and the development of other assessment tools. Includes master copies of approved assessment and examination material. Includes examinations, assignments, workbooks, tests, class presentation tasks, practical assessments etc.
AuthorityPROS 16/07 2.3.4 & PROS 16/07 2.3.5
Examples of Records
Retain PermanentlyNo
Disposal ActionDestroy
Disposal TriggerLast action completed

Disposal Class ID
Disposal Class TitleModeration of assessment tasks
DescriptionModeration of student assessment tasks, and any evaluation undertaken of the suitability of the assessment task. Includes examiners reports, marking sheets, moderation reports, and marking guidance provided to staff. Includes moderation or examination of theses submitted for Honours, Masters and Doctorate theses.
AuthorityPROS 16/07 2.3.6
Examples of Records
Retain PermanentlyNo
Disposal ActionDestroy
Disposal TriggerLast action completed

Disposal Class ID
Disposal Class TitleCompleted assessment material
DescriptionCompleted examination and assessment material submitted by students. Includes completed assignments, exams, portfolios, works of art, software, photographs and videos. Does not include Honours, Masters, or Doctoral Theses.
AuthorityPROS 16/07 2.3.7
Examples of Records
Retain PermanentlyNo
Disposal ActionDestroy
Disposal TriggerLast action completed

Disposal Class ID
Disposal Class TitleAmendments to results
DescriptionAmendments to students results resulting from moderation, remarking or appeal by the student, including authorisation to amend the result, where the summary of results is updated with the new mark.
AuthorityPROS 16/07 2.3.8
Examples of Records
Retain PermanentlyNo
Disposal ActionDestroy
Disposal TriggerLast action completed

Disposal Class ID
Disposal Class TitleTheses
DescriptionTheses and other outputs submitted for assessment for Doctorate qualifications. Other outputs include dissertations, exegeses, creative works or other major works arising from a candidates research. Includes works submitted for the award of Higher Doctorates, Masters, and Honours degrees. Note: Failed doctoral theses are retained for 25 years (ref. RGSC 9/2004).
AuthorityPROS 16/07 2.3.9 & PROS 16/07 2.3.10
Examples of Records
Retain PermanentlyYes
Disposal ActionTransfer to local archive
Disposal TriggerLast action completed

Disposal Class ID
Disposal Class TitleSpecial consideration documentation
DescriptionAssessment of applications for special consideration. Includes applications, supporting documentation and outcomes.
AuthorityPROS 16/07 2.3.11
Examples of Records
Retain PermanentlyNo
Disposal ActionDestroy
Disposal TriggerLast action completed

Disposal Class ID
Disposal Class TitleStudent invigilation videos
DescriptionVideos of students undertaking online assessment to ensure something...
AuthorityUniversity business requirement
Examples of Records
Retain PermanentlyNo
Disposal ActionDestroy
Disposal TriggerLast action completed

Disposal Class ID
Disposal Class TitleCourse and curriculum delivery
DescriptionInformation, documents and records relating to the delivery of course content to students. This includes curriculum, teaching and student resources designed to assist teachers and students during the learning process. Also includes the evaluation and review of courses, subjects and units.
AuthorityPROS 16/07 2.2.1 & PROS 16/07 2.2.6
Examples of Records
Retain PermanentlyNo
Disposal ActionDestroy
Disposal TriggerLast action completed

Disposal Class ID
Disposal Class TitleWork integrated learning (WIL) and off-campus activities
DescriptionRecords that support the management of work integrated learning or other off-campus activities conducted as part of a subject or unit for which students receive credit toward their final result. Includes administrative arrangements and liaison with placement or practicum providers.
AuthorityPROS 16/07 2.2.3
Examples of Records
Retain PermanentlyNo
Disposal ActionDestroy
Disposal TriggerLast action completed

Disposal Class ID
Disposal Class TitleTeaching and learning resources
DescriptionCurriculum, teaching and student resources designed to assist during the learning process. Includes delivery notes and schedules, class outlines and presentation materials, induction material, study guides, readings, subject outlines, study guides, readings, self assessment exercises, audio-visual teaching aides, reading lists, assignment lists, textbook lists and lecture notes.
AuthorityPROS 16/07 2.2.5
Examples of Records
Retain PermanentlyNo
Disposal ActionDestroy
Disposal TriggerDate superseded

Disposal Class ID
Disposal Class TitleStudent course evaluation
DescriptionThe evaluation and review of courses, subjects and units by students. Includes student evaluation of unit, and student evaluation of teaching surveys.
AuthorityPROS 16/07 2.3.6
Examples of Records
Retain PermanentlyNo
Disposal ActionDestroy
Disposal TriggerLast action completed

Disposal Class ID
Disposal Class TitleMaster record of courses
DescriptionMaster record of accredited, approved, award and non-award courses, programs, training packages, modules and their units. Includes approved curriculum content, syllabus, teaching objectives, learning outcomes, assessment methods and course, subject or unit descriptions and delivery methods, capability outcomes and any specific criteria for successfully completing the course/subject/unit. Also includes governance information such as course proposal, rationale for course, business case, approval date, responsible officer, and any external professional accreditations or registrations, which apply to the course or program. Includes tracking changes to approved courses over time.
AuthorityPROS 16/07 2.1.1 (Courses in AQF levels 5 10.) & PROS 16/07 2.1.2 (Courses in AQF levels 1 4.) & PRO
Examples of Records
Retain PermanentlyYes
Disposal ActionTransfer to local archive
Disposal TriggerLast action completed

Disposal Class ID
Disposal Class TitleProfessional accreditation submissions
DescriptionRecords of submissions to external organisations for registration, accreditation, evaluation and approval of courses, subjects and units by relevant professional regulatory and/or licensing bodies. Also includes amendments to existing courses, subjects and units approved by the external body, and confirmation of continuing accreditation over time.
AuthorityPROS 16/07 2.1.4
Examples of Records
Retain PermanentlyNo
Disposal ActionDestroy
Disposal Triggercontract expiration or other termination

Disposal Class ID
Disposal Class TitleCourses proposals and content not approved
DescriptionCourse proposals and curriculum content which are not approved or did not proceed to approval stage.
AuthorityPROS 16/07 2.1.5
Examples of Records
Retain PermanentlyNo
Disposal ActionDestroy
Disposal TriggerLast action completed

Disposal Class ID
Disposal Class TitleBusiness analysis documentation
DescriptionInformation, documents and records detailing analysis of business processes. Includes systems and business processes analysis. Includes business requirements documentation, design documentation, etc.
AuthorityPROS 07/01 19.10.01
Examples of Records
Retain PermanentlyNo
Disposal ActionDestroy
Disposal TriggerLast action completed

Disposal Class ID
Disposal Class TitleMaster control records
DescriptionMaster control records for University information systems. Includes registers, indexes, data classification schemas and configuration manuals, database configuration and schemas.
Examples of Records
Retain PermanentlyYes
Disposal ActionTransfer to local archive
Disposal TriggerLast action completed

Disposal Class ID
Disposal Class TitleLibrary control records
DescriptionControl records documenting library collections, e.g. library catalogue.
Examples of Records
Retain PermanentlyNo
Disposal ActionDestroy
Disposal TriggerDate closed

Disposal Class ID
Disposal Class TitleSystem audits
DescriptionRecords associated with officially checking systems to ensure they have been kept and maintained in accordance with agreed or legislated standards and that any records contained in them correctly record the business of the University.
Examples of Records
Retain PermanentlyNo
Disposal ActionDestroy
Disposal TriggerLast action completed

Disposal Class ID
Disposal Class TitleEmail and telephone lists
DescriptionRecords documenting the allocation and maintenance of email address lists (internal and external) and telephone lists.
Examples of Records
Retain PermanentlyNo
Disposal ActionDestroy
Disposal TriggerLast action completed

Disposal Class ID
Disposal Class TitleCustomer services management
DescriptionInformation, documents and records related to the provision of general advice about information and technology activities. Includes:- Helpdesk services- IT Systems Support-Notifications to Staff of system upgrades-Records management advice-Records Services
AuthorityPROS 07/01 19.6.1 & PROS 07/01 9.5.1
Examples of Records
Retain PermanentlyNo
Disposal ActionDestroy
Disposal TriggerLast action completed

Disposal Class ID
Disposal Class TitleUpdates and maintenance
DescriptionRecords relating to the maintenance and upkeep of applications, software and information systems, e.g. updates, patches. Includes software maintenance records, scheduled software updates etc.
AuthorityPROS 07/01 19.15.1
Examples of Records
Retain PermanentlyNo
Disposal ActionDestroy
Disposal Trigger

Disposal Class ID
Disposal Class TitleInspections
DescriptionRecords documenting the routine inspection of technology and telecommunications systems and facilities, i.e. to ensure that unauthorised software or equipment is not being used.
AuthorityPROS 07/01 19.15.2
Examples of Records
Retain PermanentlyNo
Disposal ActionDestroy
Disposal Trigger

Disposal Class ID
Disposal Class TitleSystem recovery and backup
DescriptionBackup copies of records and information used for the purpose of system recovery.
AuthorityPROS 07/01 19.15.3
Examples of Records
Retain PermanentlyNo
Disposal ActionDestroy
Disposal Trigger

Disposal Class ID
Disposal Class TitleInformation security
DescriptionRecords relating to the security of information systems. For example records associated with establishing and assigning security levels and caveats within records management systems.
AuthorityPROS 07/01 19.16.1
Examples of Records
Retain PermanentlyNo
Disposal ActionDestroy
Disposal TriggerDate superseded

Disposal Class ID
Disposal Class TitleRemote access
DescriptionRecords documenting the setting up of remote access to University networks from remote or off-campus locations
AuthorityPROS 07/01 19.16.2
Examples of Records
Retain PermanentlyNo
Disposal ActionDestroy
Disposal TriggerLast action completed

Disposal Class ID
Disposal Class TitleSecurity filters
DescriptionRecords associated with the use of filters in systems to control spam, malicious content and viruses.
AuthorityPROS 07/01 19.16.3
Examples of Records
Retain PermanentlyNo
Disposal ActionDestroy
Disposal TriggerDate superseded

Disposal Class ID
Disposal Class TitleDigital signatures
DescriptionRecords associated with the setting and management of digital signatures.
AuthorityPROS 07/01 19.16.4
Examples of Records
Retain PermanentlyNo
Disposal ActionDestroy
Disposal Trigger

Disposal Class ID
Disposal Class TitleSoftware licenses
DescriptionInformation, documents and records associated with giving permission or establishing a formal relationship to use software or a system through licencing arrangements.
AuthorityPROS 07/01 19.14.1
Examples of Records
Retain PermanentlyNo
Disposal ActionDestroy
Disposal TriggerDate closed

Disposal Class ID
Disposal Class TitleAcquisition
DescriptionRecords documenting the acquisition of licenses for software and systems from vendors. Includes negotiations relating to the terms and conditions of the license.
AuthorityPROS 07/01 19.1.1
Examples of Records
Retain PermanentlyNo
Disposal ActionDestroy
Disposal TriggerDate finalised

Disposal Class ID
Disposal Class TitleMonitoring & infringements
DescriptionRecords documenting the monitoring and renegotiations of license agreements. Includes responses to any licensing infringements
AuthorityPROS 07/01 19.1.1
Examples of Records
Retain PermanentlyNo
Disposal ActionDestroy
Disposal TriggerDate finalised

Disposal Class ID
Disposal Class TitleSoftware allocation
DescriptionRecords documenting the allocation of system usernames to individuals or University units. Includes network logins, email accounts, System Access Forms
AuthorityPROS 07/01 19.2.1
Examples of Records
Retain PermanentlyNo
Disposal ActionDestroy
Disposal TriggerLast action completed

Disposal Class ID
Disposal Class TitleDevelopment: Production
DescriptionRecords documenting the development, implementation and modification of specific applications which go into production. Includes feasibility studies, pilot studies, final versions of all system documentation, user and technical manuals, business rules, user requirements, system specifications, final sign-off.
AuthorityPROS 07/01 19.3.1
Examples of Records
Retain PermanentlyNo
Disposal ActionDestroy
Disposal TriggerLast action completed

Disposal Class ID
Disposal Class TitleDevelopment: Test
DescriptionRecords documenting the development, implementation and modification of specific applications which do not go into production. Includes testing activities, evaluation, strategies and reports.
AuthorityPROS 07/01 19.3.3
Examples of Records
Retain PermanentlyNo
Disposal ActionDestroy
Disposal TriggerLast action completed

Disposal Class ID
Disposal Class TitleEvaluation & feasibility
DescriptionRecords documenting the evaluation of potential or existing technology and telecommunications services and systems. Includes investigations into the feasibility of contracting out technology and telecommunications activities
AuthorityPROS 07/01 19.10.01
Examples of Records
Retain PermanentlyNo
Disposal ActionDestroy
Disposal TriggerLast action completed

Disposal Class ID
Disposal Class TitleData migration
DescriptionRecords relating to the migration of data between electronic systems and from one electronic medium to another. Includes strategies for the migration and quality assurance checks to confirm accuracy of the migration process.
AuthorityPROS 07/01 19.7.1
Examples of Records
Retain PermanentlyNo
Disposal ActionDestroy
Disposal TriggerLast action completed