Create a ready to go teleprompter for your video
Produce a personalised script for your Me in a Minute.
Do you have a script ready?
We can help you by prompting you with a few questions employers might want to know.
Produce a personalised script in free text mode
Begin by writing your script in the free text box below
Write or paste your script into the textarea below. The example script below might help you.
Produce a personalised script in question mode.
Use these questions to help you produce your script.
Hi, my name is...
I completed my studies inam currently studying...
I studiedam studying...
Some key areas of knowledge that I have taken with me from this course are...
The experience and skills I have...
The sort of job I'm seeking is...
I believe I'm a the perfect candidate because...
(Insert a few words to leave employers with a positive impression)...
Step 1: Align yourself.
Move your browser screen so the arrow above meets your webcam.
For best results, try and center your webcam as shown below.
Step 2: Launch your video recorder.
Open a video recording software that has the ability to record through your webcam.
Panopto can offer this functionlality and QuickTime is available on both Mac & PC;
However, you can use any software you're comfortable with.
Step 3: Position yourself.
Position yourself within the center of the frame, as shown below.
Step 4: Get ready!
We've turned your script into rolling text, as you can see in the example below.
This is an example script, have a practice of reading like this, when you're ready, lets start!
This is an example script, have a practice of reading like this, when you're ready, lets start!
This is an example script, have a practice of reading like this, when you're ready, lets start!
This is an example script, have a practice of reading like this, when you're ready, lets start!
This is an example script, have a practice of reading like this, when you're ready, lets start!
This is an example script, have a practice of reading like this, when you're ready, lets start!
This is an example script, have a practice of reading like this, when you're ready, lets start!
Use the arrow as a guide for your eyeline.
When you're ready, you can start recording your video.
You can edit out any extra footage in DeakinAir.
Skip back
Left Arrow
Slow down
Down Arrow
Speed up
Up Arrow
Skip Forward
Right Arrow
For best results, we recommend using full screen mode.
For best results, we recommend using full screen mode by activating the 'Use Full Screen' button at the bottom of this page.
You should ensure your webcam or camera is central to your monitor.
You can exit full screen using the 'Escape' key.
If you choose to use the full screen mode, you will need to start your recording
before entering this mode, and then exit full screen mode to stop your recording.
You can trim the video later to remove the unwanted footage.
You can also make edits to your script in this screen.