ADD209 - Design Laboratory

Unit details

Note: You are seeing the 2024 view of this unit information. These details may no longer be current. [Go to the current version]

2024 unit information

Enrolment modes:Trimester 2: Burwood (Melbourne), Waurn Ponds (Geelong), Online
Credit point(s):1
EFTSL value:0.125
Previously coded as:Nil
Unit Chair:Trimester 2: Russell Kennedy
Cohort rule:Nil

Must have passed 1 unit from: ADD105, ADD106, ADT102, ADT103, ACG103 or ADD101

Incompatible with: Nil
Typical study commitment:

Students will on average spend 150-hours over the teaching period undertaking the teaching, learning and assessment activities for this unit.

This will include educator guided online learning activities within the unit site.

Educator-facilitated (scheduled) learning activities - on-campus unit enrolment:

1 x 2-hour seminar per week

Educator-facilitated (scheduled) learning activities - online unit enrolment:

1 x 2-hour online seminar per week (recordings provided)


This unit advances students’ ability to identify, assess and integrate emerging technologies into the design process. The unit’s goal is to apply this integrated knowledge to address real life design challenges. In a laboratory environment students work both individually and collaboratively in response to design briefs. This involves a dynamic combination of strategic project planning and roll out, international industry-based research, team building, experimentation and application.  Students are introduced to agile team structures and design methods with a complementary focus on technology to solve complex problems in a creative way. This unit requires students to prepare a case study which demonstrates and explains the process, development and strategic integration of technology and design within their project. Students critically analyse findings delivered in both written and oral formats that culminate in a showcase pitch of final outcomes to explain ideas, design rationale, strategy and processes.

ULO These are the Learning Outcomes (ULO) for this unit. At the completion of this unit, successful students can: Deakin Graduate Learning Outcomes

Demonstrate knowledge of the latest technologies that impact the design and communication process

GLO1: Discipline-specific knowledge and capabilities


Demonstrated ability to evaluate and explain complex technologies and strategically communicated their effectiveness within the design process

GLO2: Communication


Strategically apply technological ideas to enhance a design project

GLO4: Critical thinking


Work in a team to apply technology effectively in the design process

GLO7: Teamwork


Assessment Description Student output Grading and weighting
(% total mark for unit)
Indicative due week
Assessment 1: Research/case study   30% Week 4
Assessment 2: (Group) Team pitch presentation   30% Week 9
Assessment 3: Practical project   40% Week 11

The assessment due weeks provided may change. The Unit Chair will clarify the exact assessment requirements, including the due date, at the start of the teaching period.

Learning Resource

There is no prescribed text. Unit materials are provided via the unit site. This includes unit topic readings and references to further information.

Unit Fee Information

Fees and charges vary depending on the type of fee place you hold, your course, your commencement year, the units you choose to study and their study discipline, and your study load.

Tuition fees increase at the beginning of each calendar year and all fees quoted are in Australian dollars ($AUD). Tuition fees do not include textbooks, computer equipment or software, other equipment or costs such as mandatory checks, travel and stationery.

Use the Fee estimator to see course and unit fees applicable to your course and type of place.

For further information regarding tuition fees, other fees and charges, invoice due dates, withdrawal dates, payment methods visit our Current Students website.